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World Of Trucks


  1. Couple ofquestions if anyone can help. I created a new profile for Truckers MP, and the completed my first job., although I was late When I went to pick up the next one, there was nothing, no trucks jobs, zero Can anyone tell me why this happens and how to fix it please? Also all my mods have gone could the two problems be linked?. Not sure but for this profile I am only using ProMods, should I remove them from my mod folder competely Any help will be appreciated as for the one job it was great fun seeing other truckers and I would like to do more
  2. Am I allowed to add mods from Steam to my game? like a stretched truck or different exhaust pipes? sorry if this is somewhere in the rules I did not see it other than adding truck parts to cars and vice versa. Thank you in advance for answers
  3. Buenas, el tema es que yo creo que si que son compatibles con el online pero no al 100%, son mods para dentro de la cabina, no modifica nada exterior. Dichos mods son: -http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=920590561&searchtext= -http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=645553604&searchtext=
  4. Hello, i recently found a mod on youtube and that some of my friend's showed me, the name of the mod pretty much explains what the mod is. the mod is called the "No Damage Mod", you can't take any damage from anything or anyone.
  5. marcojanus


    Bom dia, sou novo no MULTIPLAYER, apesar de já jogar ETS à alguns anos, gostaria no entanto que me dissessem como e se é possivel eu utilizar mods no multiplayer, nomeadamente mods de empresas reais... assim como de tunning do camião. Se é possivel como o poderei fazer.
  6. Steamon as I have always subscribed to a certain mode and shows nothing. I want to make ways but can not. She does not show anything.
  7. Anybody know where i can find Mighty Griffin mod to other trucks?
  8. Foot

    Mods Multiplayer???

    Wo finde ich eigentlich Mods für den Multiplayer die erlaubt sind weiß das zufällig jemand ?? MFG
  9. Suggestion Name: Allowing gui modifications into multiplayer Suggestion Description: A GUI modification to allow users to customize what they see without effecting the other players Any example images: Why should it be added?: I would like to use a gui mod in multiplayer, i know there is a stick rule of modification to the multiplayer however if the TruckersMP team could integrate a tool of some sorts to allow users to change the gui as i doubt it would crash other peoples games as they cant visually see it and they don't need to see it at all. Image link/Mod Link: Old : https://ets2.lt/en/new-route-advisor-v-1-0-by-xebekzs-2/ New : https://ets2.lt/en/new-route-advisor-v-1-2-by-xebekzs/
  10. Guest


    Merhabalar, Son günlerde yaşadığım bir olay yüzünden yardım istemekteyim. Oyunuma 3 tane mod ekledim,hepsi yasal modlar.750 HP,Dorse Ağırlığı ve Renkli Dorse.Oyunumu offline da çalıştırıyorum Tırımı Dorsemi alıyorum kaydedip(save) atıp çıkıyorum.Sonra Multiplayer a giriyorum oynaya basıyorum sonra kendimi Tırımla dorsesiz bir şekilde Duisburg Garajında buluyorum,kaydı açmaya çalıştığımda bana olan Modları gösteriyor devam ete basıyorum ama yine Duisburg garaja atıp ''Oyunda Değişiklik Tespit Edildi!'' diye başlayan bi yazıyla karşı karşıya kalıyorum.Modsuz kayıtlarımda her şey normal ve kayıtlarıma gidebiliyorum.Bunu nasıl çözebilirim? @HamitCanKilic / 24] belki biliyorsundur?
  11. I like to have a speed limit but 90km/h sometimes is too slow and I want to increase it to something like 100/110km/h. is it possible? How?
  12. Hello, I have been seeing in a lot of youtube videos that people have an interior lightning mod which works in MP , I have tried a bunch of 'em but i am not sure which one suits for this MP mod. Can you please help me in getting the link ? Or , can you guys give me your interior lightning mod ?!
  13. can i use mods from workshop for more xp, no damage and momey for fast lvl to a nice truck? Are the DLC at multi? How to start? I am a newbe in this game
  14. hello, I'm new to TruckersMP and I got a question before I begin playing multiplayer. I currently have mods for my singleplayer save and I am wondering what mods from the ones I use are supported by TruckersMP? or is it recommended to just disable them all and use a new clean save file for multiplayer? thanks.
  15. BusGuy


    Hello. I was wondering if you guys would consider the Idea of universal modding. So say every few months or so, the Truckers MP team or the community could pick a selection of mods that can be downloaded for everyone in a sort of DLC pack type idea. A bit like an update for Truckers MP every few months or so. -BusGuy
  16. Hello forum users whats up im newbie here!!! im looking for how to install the mod of all trucks with 750 hp please can anyone tell me the steps i need to follow or a video i will appreciate that thanks in advance guys!
  17. I just got TruckersMP running on ATS, and ready to go online, however I have 2 mods that appear to be blocked when I run TruckersMP via ATS. I have an International 9400i and Skoda Superb car mods, and both seem to be blocked from the game. However when I run ATS without TruckersMP, the mods run perfectly fine. I don't intend on using the International for online usage, as that is my main offline truck, but I do have a default Peterbilt 389 that I will use instead. At the start page of TruckersMP I found the mods tab in settings and I don't know how to add my mods to TruckersMP as there is only a Cancel, Set to Defaults, Apply, and OK buttons on the settings>mods tab. Any help?
  18. Is it allowed to have a Dashboard skin? (example: a dashboard High quality skin) Is it allowed to have Road skins? (example: yellow lines instead of white) AM i even allowed to have any texture mods?
  19. Skow

    Mody multiplayer

    Witam, jak i gdzie wgrać mody pobrane z oficjalnej strony " http://mods.wotmp.com/ "? Wrzucam do dokumentów do folderu " mod " znajdującego się w fodlerze ETS'a i nie wyszukuje mi jak włączam TRUCKERSmp . Pozdrawiam i czekam na odpowiedź :< ps. na single player normalnie wyszukuje.
  20. Siema. Dopiero co zacząłem grać w ETS2 i chcę się dowiedzieć paru rzeczy. Ma ktoś może moda który dodaje Polskie miasta takie jak Suwałki ? ( Mam dodatek Going East! ), I czy jak wgram mody typu promods itd. to one działają również na MP ? Czy tylko single player ?
  21. Jak dodać miasto do swojej własnej prywatnej mapy? Znalazłem na internecie to: Ale wtedy gra crashuje się, podczas ładowania gry (Tam gdzie wybiera sie startowe miasto) Nie moge stawić zdjęcia w załączniku (Error -200) ZDJĘCIE Na zdjęciu widoczne jest miasto które chce dodać. Wiem tylko że to zabawa plikami .sii; .def Proszę o szybką i szczegółową pomoc.
  22. Which MODS can I put in MP? Any mod with bigger map? And if it not possible, could yopu implement it for the next version?
  23. Hi, I'm trying to install a trailer mod for myself in SP ( which I hope will merge onto MP ) however it does not appear for me in SP. The Mod: http://www.ets2mods.org/trailers/2s-benq-trailer-mod I have installed it in Mod Manager however I do not see the trailer appear in any of my job lists. Thanks, Mudcake
  24. Hello. Search engine on the forum is kinda wonky for me, so I have to ask here. I know it's not in the allowed mods topic, but can I use this mod http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=718961487 in multiplayer? It doesn't change anything but interface for me. I don't like that floating window, but still would like to have most of the information from there. PS. Also, just to be sure - I can use this http://mods.wotmp.com/mod/inek-tasiyici-treyler.html right? Thanks!
  25. Basically : Can I use the for no damage because i'm frustrated of driving behind people and them lagging and causing me 50 % damage.
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