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Veteran Driver VII
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About tiddles

  • Birthday 03/16/1954

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    The Netherlands: Amsterdam

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  1. Happy Birthday! 

  2. Happy Birthday 🎂 

  3. Happy Birthday!

  4. Happy Birthday! ???:HaulieLove:

  5. ????? ???????? ❤️❤️ 

  6. Apologies if I did not reply sooner, yes thank you all understood. Enjoy Trucking
  7. Yoyo Thank you, so I should only use ProMods in off line mode?
  8. sko0923 Thank you that worked, do I need to do that everytime I see no jobs? is there a permanent fix? Also are ProMods supported at all in Truckers MP?
  9. Couple ofquestions if anyone can help. I created a new profile for Truckers MP, and the completed my first job., although I was late When I went to pick up the next one, there was nothing, no trucks jobs, zero Can anyone tell me why this happens and how to fix it please? Also all my mods have gone could the two problems be linked?. Not sure but for this profile I am only using ProMods, should I remove them from my mod folder competely Any help will be appreciated as for the one job it was great fun seeing other truckers and I would like to do more
  10. ETS2 MP Nick: Gremlin MP 02.03.04 Hope this is the right place to post this?? Loving, MP.. I have just finished a short trip Milano and Torino and when I went to select my next job, no jobs showing at any destinations. when I looked at the launchpad it showed "not connected"? could that be the problem? why does this happen and how do I fix it please. Help!! Clive
  11. Thanks, Fallen and MrHarv That worked. Happy Trucking.
  12. I have added some custom lights to my truck. When I go to the option screen I cannot see a setting to get them to work. Can I configure them so they come on separate to the truck lights or do they not work, and are just for show? I have attached a screenshot to show them. It is the two on the bull bars, and the ones across the roof on the light bar. Thank you
  13. Hi Guy's It has sorted itself out since I had to do the latest downgrade to version temporary 1-20 Thanks for the the help, hope to see you guy's out on the road sometime. Happy Trucking
  14. stilldre76, I cannot get into the game, everything is grayed out until I take a quick job, so how do I get to go to sleep.. Scania, The config file I have opened is in my documents, and I cannot see the above two lines. Is there another config file for the MP game or should it be in that off line version.
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