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Veteran Driver II
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About Vevo#LookingForIndians

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  1. Hello, Would like to know the possible ways of me and my friend getting the same type of jobs I think there must be couple of different ways.
  2. If I have a heavy cargo trailer , will others be able to see my trailer or will it be a default trailer which is visible ?
  3. Hello, Would like to know if : "Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Prehistoric Paint Jobs Pack" : Work in Truckersmp mod before I buy 'em. Thanks.
  4. @elot360PL and @oolala11 . Thanks for the answer.
  5. Hello, I have been seeing in a lot of youtube videos that people have an interior lightning mod which works in MP , I have tried a bunch of 'em but i am not sure which one suits for this MP mod. Can you please help me in getting the link ? Or , can you guys give me your interior lightning mod ?!
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