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  1. I read that you can have modifications on ETS 2 MP where it swaps, for example, a volvo engine into an Iveco so the Iveco has a 750 HP Engine. However all the ones I find don't work. I was wondering if anybody could link me to a mod which works. Thank you in advance.
  2. Hi, I downloaded the MP and now all it does is take me to the steam store?
  3. Hi Truckers MP, I'm always Tibe24. I really don't understand... yesterday evening there was no more crash. Today I opened the Multiplayer as administrator and it has crashed again... I created for security another game profile too... and it doesn't go... what can I do? I don't want to not play at Multiplayer anymore!
  4. Привет, новое обновление уже здесь. Что нового: Поддержка последнего патча Euro Truck Simulator 2: [262a48aec42f] Поддержка последнего патча American Truck Simulator: [62ae3d5bd480] Поддержка Wheel Tuning Pack DLC Увеличена дистанция видимости игроков при их большом скоплении Исправлены динамические тени при виде из кабины Скачать последнюю версию мультиплеера - http://truckersmp.com/ru_RU/download Удачных перевозок! mwl4 Оригинал
  5. Ban yedim sürem gecti ama hala banlıyım acılmıyo lütfen yardım itiraz ettim reddedildi ban sebebim aşalayıcı konuşma 1 kez ban yedim suana kadar
  6. Dobra, sprawa wygfląda tak, Na steamie mam ustawione, żeby się aktualizowało wszystko samo, chcę zagrać multika, a tu wyskakuje error "Unsupported game version detected! To play you need Euro truck Simulator 2 v Pomocy, gram po przerwie i nie wiem co zrobić. Dodam, że Euro truck'a mam od grudnia 2013 Kupinego za 40 zł
  7. Hi there, finally I've got ATS, played 9 hours in SP and still cannot log into the multiplayer of ATS, because always if I open up the ATS-MP via the desktop icon, it only opens up the SP so offline. I activated ATS in World of Trucks, I got ATS out off beta in steam and the game version is 64-bit-version. Also I already reinstalled the MP many times but still it doesn't show up. I really hope you guys can help me out. Regards Volvo
  8. I need help. TruckersMP will not detect my American Truck Simulator. WHY?
  9. Suggestion Name: Change the place of the CB on the Volvo Suggestion Description: Change the place of the CB on the Volvo Any example images: I Image Credit: Vader Why should it be added?: You cannot see what channel you are on because the button to change channel is blocking the number
  10. I can not Linking ATS my Steam Account is public it is not goin i can klick on the link 1000 times nothing happens can someone Help me ??
  11. Hello, I have a quick question to ask. Will mods that change the texture of the interiors work on TruckersMP? I was curious to know as I would like to use one of those mods. It is just a colour change in the textures so would it work on MultiPlayer? Thanks.
  12. Hey guys. Where i can download a x86 version of ETS2 MP? I can? I have Windows 7, 32-bit.
  13. every time i try to connect with europe server (or others, no matter) it fails connecting successfully and says " connection to server has been broken, restart game to connect again". got this since 4 days now and it worked fine before so what i mean by that is it happened suddenly from one day to another and i have no explanation for that. got the latest MP version of ets 2. newest update through steam. tried reinstalling MP and SP about 3 times, no change. Any help would be highly appreciated because support is not even answering
  14. Ich hätte da mal eine Frage, Wie kann man im MP schreiben? Ich bedanke mich jetzt schonmal für eure schnellen Nachrichten. Euer MariusWollLP
  15. Salut tuturor, Odata cu publicarea jocului American Truck Simulator, stim ca multi dintre voi aveti intrebari pentru noi in legatura cu modul Multiplayer pentru American Truck Simulator (ATSMP) si alte intrebari legate de acest joc, asa ca vom raspunde catorva intrebari aici : · Va fi suportat ATS in Multiplayer ? Da, server-ul de Multiplayer va exista. · Cand va fi disponibil ATSMP? ATSMP va fi facut disponibil odata ce vom avea totul pus la punct. Deocamdata mai sunt unele lucruri de care trebuie sa ne ocupam, dar va vom anunta cand server-ul va fi gata. · Daca sunt banat pe ETS2MP, ban-ul va fi aplicat si pe ATSMP? Da, toate ban-urile sunt commune pe intreaga platform WoTrMP, asa ca orice ban primit intr-un joc, il va afecta si pe celalalt (Ban in ETS2MP = Ban in ATSMP si invers). · La ce viteza va fi limitat server-ul? Deocamdata nu ne-am decis. · Zonele de non-coliziune vor functiona la fel ca in ETS2MP ? Da. Zonele de non-coliziune vor functiona la fel ca in ETS2MP, locurile de unde se ridica marfa, si unde se livreaza marfa, vor fi zone de non-coliziune Exista cateva schimbari pe care vrem sa le anuntam, ce pot avea un impact cand cumparati jocul. Veti avea nevoie de minim 2 ore de joc in American Truck Simulator inainte de a putea juca pe server-ul de Multiplayer. Asta inseamna ca trebuie sa aveti jocul ATS in STEAM si sa il jucati cel putin 2 ore in SinglePlayer inainte de a va putea conecta la server-ul de Multiplayer. Puteti verifica acest lucru mergand in rubrica « Contul Meu » , apoi « Setari » , si facand un click pe urmatorul buton : · Aceasta versiune va suporta doar jocul pe 64 biti deoarece SCS suporta jocul in acelasi fel. Odata ce vom publica server-ul de Multiplayer pentru ATS, il veti putea descarca de aici : http://wotr-mp.com/download
  16. Dzisiaj ekipa GoldenTeam organizuje konwój dla kierowców, fanów i przyjaciół Golden Lines Kontakt organizacyjny na (Gdzie,co i jak, TS3) GG:19681672 / PW Adres TS: Ts-low.pl Pokój: Konwój Golden Lines ( Pod pokojem Trucker Arus) Serwer EU#1 Zapraszamy! Godzina: 19:00 Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/pivekmonster http://www.twitch.tv/szymon0707 Jeśli masz zamiar pojechać : https://www.ankietka.pl/ankieta/215630/ets2-multiplayer-z-golden-lines.html Przewidywana Trasa
  17. Dzisiaj ekipa GoldenTeam organizuje konwój dla kierowców, fanów i przyjaciół Golden Lines Kontakt organizacyjny na (Gdzie,co i jak, TS3) GG:19681672 / PW Adres TS: Ts-low.pl Pokój: Konwój Golden Lines ( Pod pokojem Trucker Arus) Serwer EU#1 Zapraszamy! Godzina: 19:00 Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/pivekmonster http://www.twitch.tv/szymon0707 Jeśli masz zamiar pojechać : https://www.ankietka.pl/ankieta/215630/ets2-multiplayer-z-golden-lines.html Przewidywana Trasa
  18. Zablokowany wyjazd z serwisu w Berlinie Parę osób prosiło o nagranie więc wrzucam
  19. Hi I have created a virtual truck company for this game and these map mods are supported: Promods v.2.00 RusMap v.1.5.2 TSM v.6.2 Hungary Map v0.9.26 MHAPro Map v.2.2 Is it allowed to play Euro Truck Simulator Multiplayer with these map mods? with regards alexwi1
  20. When I click 'play' on the ETS2MP launcher (where the launch with DirectX and OpenGL options are) it crashes and says 'not responding'. I have tried starting as administrator several times and uninstalled and reinstalled the Euro Truck Simulator 2 steam file and multiplayer mod file, multiplayer directory is: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Euro Truck Simulator 2 Multiplayer and Winter mod are installed. Beta selection is set to none. Operating system = Windows 10
  21. Hello There When i am ingame and watching the map, the player icons is red with a text "Could Not Find Icon" or something. How come? Any Fixes? Please help, thanks Regards Danne
  22. My ETS2 in MP states: not connected,... yet I'm am still able to play in mp with friends and other drivers. Apparently, I am connected. What is the problem here? How can my online status be fixed to show my Online Status correctly? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
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