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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by Sharp14

  1. I can't stop looking at your profile picture.

    1. Alex [ITA]

      Alex [ITA]

      It's hypnotic. Hypnotic. Hypnotic. Hypnotic...


  2. This thread is rife with misinformation. Nothing will happen if you open the website. It's when you open the downloaded file that things go wrong. Do not open files you don't recognise. Also, note that it shows the extension. Windows, normally, wouldn't do this, however, he has named it "blahblah.scr.exe", and windows will not show the ".exe" because it's a recognised filetype. This is why, in my options, I have it set to always show filetypes. I also don't download things from websites I don't trust.
  3. Currently on ETS2map.com, watching the only player on the server drive around calais.


    Rotterdam is empty.

  4. ^As far as I know, SCS would have no issues with this implementation. As long as they don't let people who don't have it access it, it should be fine. Or they could put the DLC files inside the game by default - just not let you use them, which would be an even better method.
  5. Excellent job! You seem to be putting out updates more frequently now. Perhaps you could add an auto-updater that checks on game launch, and also several download mirrors? They're always slow at first.
  6. Waiting for an update that supports the newest version of ETS2.

    1. Guest


      Have a cigar and a pancake. Might be a while. Give it thought. There's a new Lights system for traffic lights in ATS. They need to make a brand new Sync to them. Since the updates go together as one for ATS and ETS2. We might be waiting a while.

    2. Sharp14


      Yeah, it sucks because I opened ETS2 (SP) after the update and played a bit and then saved. I have no other saves to revert to, so yeah.

    3. Guest



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