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Misiek 0_o

Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by Misiek 0_o

  1. Suggestion Name: VTC Verification Suggestion Description: My suggestion is about the way VTC verification works. Maybe instead of having 50 drivers to get the verification going maybe it would be nicer/better to change it to 35/40 that might help more VTCs get verified and in some countries it will give more VTCs a chance for verification, and more people would be interested into joing different VTCs when they are verified. I know there is VTC validation but maybe make it will make a difference to the way people look at VTCs Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: Above ^^
  2. Have a good weekend everyone ?



    1. Almeida.


      Beautiful photo! ?

  3. Gratuluje nowej pozycji :D

    1. Shadii.


      Dziękuję Ci bardzo serdecznie ❤️ @Misiek 0_o

  4. Have a nice day :D 



  5. Happy trucking have a nice weekend :D



  6. Zapraszam na stream z traski firmowej :D I would like to invite you to my stream ! https://www.twitch.tv/misiekpl212




  7. Have a great weekend :D Happy trucking !



  8. Merry Christmas :D Wesołych świąt bożego narodzenia ❤️ Szczęśliwego nowego roku ! Happy New year ! 

  9. Happy birthday mate have a good day :D 

  10. Zapraszam dziś na live live z konwoju przyjaźni na kanale firmy RISA youtube dzis stream będzie prowadzony przez moją osobę :D zapraszam:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCVzuWveC42mzF2x4Scp0jQ?view_as=subscriber



    Oraz zapraszam tez do mnie na kanał :) https://www.twitch.tv/misiekpl212


    1. Ziemniuś


      Do zobaczenia :) 

    2. wwwkacper8


      Widzimy się ;) :D 

  11. Gratuluje awansu oraz aby wszystko wypaliło
  12. ScreenShot z dzisiejszego konwoju : ) 








    Oraz Fotka z Moderatorem @WarMaz




  13. Wszystkiego najlepszego ziemniak :) 

  14. Happy Birthday mate :) have a good one :) 

  15. You can send a feedback ticket but it wont be so quickly with the response as there is a lot of tickets of feedback so they all get checked individually but yes you can send a feedback about anyone in the team because its either a good feedback or bad one but you have the full right to send your opinion about a team member
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