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Status Updates posted by Alex KERNEL

  1. Happy New Year truckers 🎄🎉 🍻 


    1. Almeida.


      Happy New Year Alex ❤️ 

  2. I love this recap 😍


    1. 'MaRtY


      Nice Video :HaulieLove:

  3. VTC.World services have been updated and over the past 2 weeks I have tried to solve the most important problems that have plagued many users... more details in official VTC.World topic

  4. Congrats!

    1. Skazochnick




    2. Alex KERNEL

      Alex KERNEL

      Добро пожаловать :)

  5. Happy Birthday and Happy New Year!

  6. Thank you all for congratulations! // Спасибо всем за поздравления!

  7. Thank you all for the congratulations! But I need to work. Good luck on the roads of TruckersMP!

  8. Happy Birthday!

  9. If players give the ability to know where are admins...


    1. Mirrland


      Lol, but that is why admins can go into freecam mode xD 

  10. Has delivered the cargo. It's time to wash the car ;)


  11. Beginners! Read the rules, respect other players. Then they will respect you. Follow the rules and bans will not ;)


    Новички! Читайте правила, уважайте других игроков. Тогда они будут уважать вас. Соблюдайте правила и не будет банов ;)

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Soryn Official

      Soryn Official

      Well you said exactly the post above.

    3. Alex KERNEL

      Alex KERNEL

      @Soryn Official Thanks for discussion. Good night!

    4. Soryn Official

      Soryn Official

      Good night and a day more enjoyable tomorrow.

  12. Thoughts should get ahead of the action.

  13. Good night all. Those in the path, good roads.

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