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 TruckersMP Profile
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About Valeant

  • Birthday 03/14/1977

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Rookie (2/13)

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Community Answers

  1. Dear friends! We invite you to a festive New Year's convoy from VTC.World and ask you to support this event by voting to apply for a dedicated TruckersMP server. For more information, see the event description at the link. Thank you in advance! Description of the event https://vtc.world/event/E44EBC01F19ADC79/
  2. Hello truckers! Today we are pleased to introduce you the new VTC.World "Voice Chat" system. Permanent voice channels and event channels are available, if they have been scheduled. When creating an event, the authors can now turn on the VTC.World voice chat and the channel with the name of the event will be automatically available 5 minutes before the start of the event. Players, when joining an event in the in-game overlay, will be able to immediately join the voice channel. The voice channel in the game is managed through the "Community" menu. You can change the location of the overlay window and its size in the "Move" mode. Added hotkeys "Voice Chat - push-to-talk", "Voice Chat - push-to-talk (secondary)" and "Voice Chat - Mute/Unmute sound". Our release video: Check out the article in the FAQ section: https://forum.vtc.world/index.php?/topic/5040-voice-chat-vtcworld/ Stay in touch!
  3. Hello truckers! VTC.World Official posted a new video "How to register for the VTC.World project". Take a look at the link:
  4. Hello truckers! Today, 04/13/2024, we celebrate a birthday. Eight years ago, at 20:03 MSK, the ideas discussed by the Head of RusTK Valeant and RusTK driver Alex KERNEL found their name. The VTC.World domain has been registered. At that time, the concept of the project was just being born. There was no understanding of what could be implemented and what could not. There was no experience, no knowledge of how the game works and works. But despite the huge number of questions, the lack of necessary knowledge and experience, at that time the most important thing was ideas and a great desire to bring them to life. Eight years have passed and today we are here, at this time and space are, celebrating another anniversary. We sincerely congratulate all of us on VTC.World birthday! VTC.World is 8 years old! We invite you to the event in honor of the anniversary of VTC.World: https://vtc.world/event/28EE09E3BA328C3F/
  5. Happy birthday ❤️ 

  6. Happy Birthday 

  7. Happy Birthday brother! 🎂

  8. Happy Birthday Valeant. :HaulieLove:

  9. Happy Birthday 🎂

  10. Happy Birthday!!

  11. Happy Birthday!

  12. Happy Birthday 

  13. Happy Birthday 

  14. Happy Birthday 🎂

  15. Happy birthday

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