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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About GreenTrucker[HR]

  • Birthday 08/03/1987

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  • EU Garage Location
    Switzerland: Zürich
  • Known languages
    English, German

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  1. Damn, I was too long away :D

    1. 'MaRtY


      Hey Welcome back👋

  2. Happy Birthday, have a nice day! ❤️

  3. Happy Birthday to you ?

  4. Happy Birthday to you ?

  5. Thnx
  6. Well...I ran on this
  7. Three friends said they have problems with the appearance of the driver out of the truck, seen in the left mirror when other truck approaching.
  8. Ako tko bude imao pitanja neka mi slobodno piše na PM iliti privatnu poruku.
  9. Pozdrav, i dobrodošao u MP . Odmah ću ti reći da AI ne očekuj jer neće biti ubačen iz dva velika razloga: 1. već sada imaš lagove kad ti se pojavljuje to malo kamiona (nažalost normalno u MP, morat ćeš se s time pomirit) 2. teško je napravit sinkronizaciju prometa, da bi se ostvarilo praktički bi trebalo igru vrtiti na serverima što traži jako puno resursa i vremena i novca Ovo je mod, ETS2 nije osmišljen kao multiplayer igra, što automatski ograničava. Imali su problema sa sinkro. samih semafora, vlakovi još nisu skroz usklađeni, a kamo da ubacuju AI automobile, to bi bilo neigrivo. Inače uživaj u vožnji, možda se koji put sretnemo na cesti
  10. Did you try to reinstall the software? Clean registry and try then. Or try to use other codec...
  11. Firma se stavlja u Zatvoreno do daljnjeg. Kada dođe bolje vrijeme - nastavljamo .
  12. What do you want, drive like your country friends to ramm and race around like maniacs? I don't want that in this SIMULATOR! Play a Single then What are you talking about? This is not GRID, NFS or GTA! I said, if you don`t like the rules, get out and play Single. Is that so hard to do? Edited by SeRGiOPaOk4
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