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Mike Dragon

Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by Mike Dragon

  1. Tonight's Gaming Friday is starting now. Join me for part 2 of my Super Mario 64 playthrough!




  2. Tragedy just hit me. I was cooking myself some bacon for lunch, just now, and I accidentally dropped one on the floor so I had to throw it away. ;-;



    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon


      I only have a cockatiel.

    3. Half Blood Prince

      Half Blood Prince

      @Mike Dragon
      I heard that cockatiels can eat bacons. 

    4. The Imaginative Lad

      The Imaginative Lad

      @Dystopia For some strange reason, I can vision a cockatiel munching on bacon

  3. Tried the new DLC on singleplayer earlier. Didn't feel that much of a difference from a normal trailer with normal chassis from what it is like when hauling one of the big new trailers with one of the big new chassis. I did, however, feel quite some difference when reverse parking it, though! Some extra skill is required there, for sure.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      Oh, don't get me wrong, I can park these trailers just fine, too! It just takes a bit getting used to so it takes a little longer than it normally would with a regular trailer.

    3. antrax737


      You just need to know where the trailer will go, i agree its not hard just different

    4. sgpch1983


      i think i classify that as a bug or atleast an oversight by scs..

      lets see what scs says about it next week..

  4. Trip to Rotterdam went better than expected. But that's not to say it was flawless. :\ Everything was fine until I left the repair shop after I arrived in the city. I looked both sides and it was clear to cross the street to head to the garage but then, out of the blue, a car came out of nowhere and hit me on the side. He must've been doing at least 70 KM/h.

    1. Simulator Experiencer

      Simulator Experiencer

      yea that happens to me all the time  lol 

  5. Truck's in position! Now all we need is the server. :\

  6. TruckersMP does NOT support beta releases of the games and will never do so please, do not ask when there will be support for it, 'cause there won't be. If you installed the beta to try out the new features and can't play MP then all you gotta do is go back to the latest release by undoing what you did to get the beta in the first place. It's the same process.

  7. TruckersMP is doing the 13th Real Operations event and I am checking it out! Join me!




  8. Trucking is still on hold but a placeholder for this Wednesday is now live. Let's Smash.





  9. Try to guess who had to do everything in the Orange team. C'mon. Guess it! Who had to try his best to carry the team all by himself against three good players? >:(


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. A Simple Cheeseburger

      A Simple Cheeseburger

      At least you didnt hit the ball into your own goal! Not that i've done that or anything...

    3. The HitMan

      The HitMan

      I reckon it was that Thomaz guy.

    4. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      I was champion 3 division 3 few weeks ago but now I'm champ2 div1 in 2v2, so I delete game for few weeks to make little break and to refresh because I was getting too bad m8's and then I started playing like them -_- 

  10. Tucson is scary at night!

  11. Two minutes in with me holding up this chicken in front of that lynel and he’s just staring at me. Maybe thinking to himself, “Wth is this kid is planing to do with that?”.



    1. The HitMan

      The HitMan

      Don't move or I will summon The Chicken *evil laugh*

    2. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon


  12. Two more reports of mine have been accepted and the perpetrators have been banned. I just filed another report. Hopefully it will also go to my collection of successful reports. c:

  13. Unfortunately I will be unable to stream today. I was going to play some more Phasmophobia but due to some unexpected things, I won't be able to livestream. ? So if all goes right, I should be doing today's stream tomorrow, Thursday, at the same time (8PM eastern). Whether or not I'll play Phasmophobia again tomorrow like I would today, however, that is currently uncertain.


    Regardless, follow me on Twitch to catch it!

  14. Unfortunately today's Gaming Friday stream will have to be cancelled. Same reasons as last Wednesday trucking stream and I still can't tell if the Chill Art Sunday (next Sunday's stream) will be possible or not. Too bad, too. I was looking forward to playing Banjo Kazooie for the very first time, today. :c

  15. Unfortunately, due to reasons I cannot disclose, today's stream is yet another one I'll have to cancel. I'm getting sick of this. I'll try to stream something tomorrow to make up for today. Sorry.


    Follow me on Twitch to catch it!

  16. Unfortunately, due to some personal reasons, there will be no Gaming Friday stream, today. I was going to play Alan Wake today (I've been wishing to play that on a stream for almost a whole year, now) but I will have to postpone it for yet another future stream. I am sorry. Hopefully there will be Alan Wake next Friday.


    Follow me on Twitch to catch it!


  17. Unless I am forced to change my plans, another placeholder for the suspended Wednesday trucking streams will take place tonight. Tonight I finish my The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon speedrun and right after we'll be Cruis'n the USA.


    Follow me on Twitch to catch all that!


  18. Unless I am forced to not go live again like last Wednesday, tune in on this next Friday 23rd for the third Long Series Gaming Friday where I'll be playing a charming J-RPG-style new game for the old Commodore 64 computer system!


    Gaming Friday, every Friday at 6 PM eastern time. Follow me on Twitch to catch it!


  19. Unless something keeps me from doing it, tune-in this next Friday for this week's Gaming Friday and let's begin a new long series as we venture through the world of "Inherit The Earth: Quest for the Orb", every Friday at 6 PM (eastern daylight saving time)! Follow me on Twitch to catch it! https://www.twitch.tv/mike_dragon/


  20. Unpopular opinion: Perhaps I may not be as into simulators as I think I am, for honestly I find the Gran Turismo games to be extremely boring. A total snore fest. Not bad games, far from it, just absurdly boring. Much less fun and enjoyable than the Cruis'n series, which are complete arcade mayhem and 0 simulation.

    1. OnurOzgunay


      I didn't see Grand Turismo and Forza Motorsport 7 as simulations in the same way.  Even though I saw it as arcade, it didn't meet my expectations as much as Forza Horizon 5 and Crew Motorfest. 

      Beam NG game is doing very well in terms of simulation. You will see this when you play the game with updates and content. 

    2. [C-S] Tαrik.

      [C-S] Tαrik.

      House Flipper/ House Flipper 2.

  21. Unwell but not yet dead, I'll play PC Building Simulator on tonight's Gaming Friday. Finally a stream after over a week of nothing. Join me.




  22. Upgrade complete. Now it's time to give the GTX 1060 a test drive. Since ATS servers are empty and EU2 only has about 420 players on at the moment, I might try crossing Death Road. Should be quieter at this hour. And if it isn't, then... well... at least I'll know for sure how much better the new GPU performs when it comes to frames with lots of trucks on the screen at once.


    Anyway, here I go. Off to Death Road.

    1. antrax737


      So how it is?

    2. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      Pretty good! Smooth frames is really pleasing.

  23. Upgraded my GBA livestream overlay to a GBA SP. 😛


  24. Uugh... Been so busy with work the past few days that I could barely even come on the forums. -__- Been so tired as well that I, once again, have been oversleeping. I actually just woke up. Still got one computer from a client over here that I was supposed to work on earlier today but didn't because I have been asleep all day long. Gah! Gonna try to do some work on it and then check on support tickets. Haven't worked on those for the past two days.

    1. C?nnell


      And I thought I had it too busy.. lol. Goodluck with all man! :rolleyes:

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