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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by Jeezyn


    This kind of MOD will arrive one day on ETS2MP



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Trucking Australia

      Trucking Australia

      Like Bryan said, it is very very unlikely that they will ever be brought in since a lot has changed within trailer physics and their coding since they were tested.


      So basically no.

    3. Jeezyn
    4. MrHarv98


      SCS ruined double trailer physics in 1.19 patch. unless they fix it mwl cant do anything about it. 


    Snow arrives when in the multiplayer? :wub::ph34r:

    1. Trucker Hudson

      Trucker Hudson

      Hi :)

      No one is certain yet but usually its around this time so should arrive in the next update :D 

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  3. NICE DLC :wub: "VIVE LA FRANCE" :P:tmp:


    II leave the community! All the best :) 

    1. Penguin


      All the best for the future! Shame you're off :(

  5. Merci de m'avoir accueilli au sein de ton entreprise l'ami :) 

    1. ¦EUROTRANS¦ chatyo [FR]

      ¦EUROTRANS¦ chatyo [FR]

      Pas de soucis, mais c'est exceptionnel parce qu'on se connaît ;) 

    2. Jeezyn
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