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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by Yarkoon

  1. Everything is fine. We live, play, communicate!
  2. Support. It is quite annoying when this inscription is not valid in reality. It is necessary to solve this problem!
  3. Я даже не знаю параметров своего компьютера. Я просто пошел в магазин и сказал, чтобы они построили мне мощный компьютер. Играю на максимальных настройках, в кале фпс иногда проседает, но не критично.
  4. Yarkoon

    True or False?

    Truth. I love the new DAF The next person does not live in the European Union
  5. Yarkoon

    Name your country

    Russian Federation
  6. I have never heard of such a thing, but in principle I am in favor of having a sticker for trucks that have a garage in France or in those countries where this sticker is required. This interesting detail will add realism. The main thing is that this sticker should not be on those trucks that are registered in other garages.
  7. Nope, DAF won my heart. The next one likes IVECO
  8. Rotterdam is a city. But come on, Mali
  9. You are not alone, we have been playing steadily like this since 2014
  10. My first garage was in Katowice, I don't remember why I chose it. But after buying the DLC "Beyond the Baltic Sea", my main garage became in the city of St. Petersburg, since this city is almost next to the one in which I live in real life. After the DLC "Heart of Russia" is released, the main garage will be in Moscow.
  11. Sim 1, there are more people there and all my friends are playing there
  12. Mostly I drive where there is more traffic, but sometimes I go further away to enjoy the road and the scenery.,
  13. В альтернативных транспортных средствах добавляли как то давно УАЗы и ЛиАЗы для всех. А в обычное время админы развлекаются на них.
  14. The keyboard, using the mouse turned out to be not comfortable for me.
  15. I agree, it's interesting, but it's forbidden to fly drones where I live and in the nearest area. So when I fly, I get a full spectrum of emotions when the police don't catch me. Where it is marked in color, you can't fly there, but who stops it blob:https://web.telegram.org/e5d9fc8a-a7fb-4ed7-9568-ea03807cf908
  16. I recently bought a quadcopter and now when there is no strong wind outside and it is not snowing, I fly it in my free time
  17. Welcome to the TMP forum. You'll like it here.😀

  18. The work done is simply amazing, Duisburg has long needed the reconstruction of the city. I noticed that in this city it is impossible to take external loads like Truckers MP HQ, it would be great if such an opportunity appeared.
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