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TCG 207 lao jiu

Veteran Driver
 TruckersMP Profile
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About TCG 207 lao jiu

  • Birthday 03/30/2002

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  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Duisburg
  • Known languages
    Chinese English

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TCG 207 lao jiu's Achievements


Rookie (2/13)

  • One Year On
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  1. When playing on TruckersMP, my delay was normal, there was no stuttering, but the player suddenly stopped behind, as if it was caused by me freezing, but I couldn't feel it myself, and I wanted to know how I knew I was stuck.
  2. Thank you for your attention🥰

  3. The permanent seal already indicates that you will never be able to enter TruckersMP. You can find this rule description here. https://truckersmp.com/kb/704 I hope this can answer your question.
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