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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by deco13


    1. John [RO]
    2. MrGravyCakes
    3. deco13


      I'm so happy today! I don't kown y, probably I'm mad XP

  2. Hello, Have you tried to reinstall the game? (not the multiplayer). Regards
  3. Hello Probably you must start the ETS2MP with admin permissions, if that doesn't help you, reinstall the MP and check during the installation of MP that you've insert the correct directory of the game, after lunch first Steam and than the ETS2PM. Obviusly with admin permissions. Regards
  4. When people ask for a ban https://youtu.be/MjAkmnaZg4c

    1. Aragon


      Report it on the website and the ban hammer will hit the user

    2. deco13


      Already done! :D

  5. A break before resuming study :S

  6. Incredible how many players always use high beams, hope one days these players meet a truck with high beams and it burns their retinal eyes :D

  7. This 2016 starts very well, it has already angered me. *_*

  8. Please, lists all the specs of your pc. However, is better if you buy your own truck before start playing Multiplayer.
  9. I don't think it's possible, because the jobs are created randomly in local client. Everyone have different jobs, the only thing you can do is synced your file every time.
  10. Check the resolution from the option in game and monitor option
  11. Are you sure that you've bought the retarder?
  12. The NCZ were bugged, wich with the update ware fixed
  13. Hi, Check the confirm e-mail on your e-mail.
  14. Hi, Lunch Steam first, then the game.
  15. Hi, The game does not support some kinds of characters such as @, #,], etc. To add it, write the password or the "@" of the e-mail address into Notepad, copy and paste into the game.
  16. Place: Kristiansand, Stain, acces blocked by player afk

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. deco13


      I leave the place, than he's still there

    3. Zyder


      Take screenshots and put him on Forums then.

    4. deco13


      Then I'm sure the answer will be "Only a kick"

  17. You need to upgrade you RAM to upper than 2GB if you want only to change to 64bit.

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