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Veteran Driver III
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About AlexVLGGR

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  1. Guys,thank you for your help,I changed the OS in WIN7 now everything is ok .
  2. Hello,guys I'm a normal user of ETS2MP game / forum and I,have a very big problem. Since I reinstalled my windows ETS2 / ETS2MP makes me angry everytime I open it. The problems is like that : I open ETS2 multiplayer or singleplayer,I create a new driver profile, and after that I select the city.Everything goes perfect,but after I select the city,and after that is a little job , a tutorial , eh when this job loads , it makes suddenly black screen and music background, and stays like that 4ever. Pls help me, I'm in a company and I don't want to be kicked out. OS : Windows XP SP3
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