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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by Reaper

  1. Dark theme ftw :P 

  2. Finally got my water cooler reinstalled... oh how I've missed you :P 

  3. I see your DMX and raise you an Xzibit :P



    1. spider.r0ot2


      I think that listening to God in heaven!
      Soon I must to send a message to exchange good stuff :) 

  4. Are you a fan of DMX? 


    1. spider.r0ot2


      Awesome song! 
      Ofc bro! 
      Totally like! :D B)



    1. spider.r0ot2


      Wooow!! :wub:

      This dirty version is better then original :)
      Must add in my playlist, thanks :D


    2. Reaper


      I was listening to that Cypress Hill song again this morning, reminded me of this song, I thought I have to send it to you :P 

    3. spider.r0ot2


      Ahahahahah always when you have some good song, send me here or pm :D

  6. Feeling extremely anxious for no good reason... I hate nights like this, maybe a spell on ETS to clear my mind... hmmmm

    1. spider.r0ot2


      Let's drive? :)


    2. Reaper


      Oh man, @spider.r0ot2 I did not see this last night (or well this morning more accurately) I'm sorry bud :(

    3. spider.r0ot2


      Heheh understand bro :)
      We will drive, sometimes :)
      I am always on road :P


  7. There's always that one guy that has to ruin what would've been a really nice drive tonight.... shame :( 

  8. There was a guy driving on the wrong side of the road just now, I stopped and hit my hazard lights (my trailer hitch key is right beside it), I set off driving again, realising my trailer is in the middle of the road behind me.... Oh dear O.o Apparently being reported for it.... My bad!

  9. Probably the most interesting section of my drive today.. Wouldn't watch much further after this (if you do watch that is), it gets a bit dull after :)




    *fixed timestamp (oops!)

    1. Reaper


      It was the small country road between calais and brussels. Sorry I was trying to find it on the realtime map but it's not working for me atm :(

  10. Some group on the highway outside Verona, with the tag "BWE", all driving scout cars, ramming everybody. Reports incoming. :)

    1. Reaper


      Headed in the direction of Milano incase anyone is out that way. Becareful 

    2. Reaper


      Well, cargo was wrecked, unfortunately all I managed to record was their /pinfo and a little bit of them spamming music on the CB, but nothing that could prove anything. Someone else has a recording though from what I understand after speaking to him. Last I saw they were inbetween Milano and Torino (about 10 minutes ago). 

    3. Jacrispyxd


      okay just get them reported! I don't want to see them!

  11. And thank you for the follow aswell buddy :P

    1. Fezz


       Thats alright :D

  12. Thanks for the follow bud :)

  13. Ended up streaming for an hour and half yesterday, and only when I was done was I informed there was no sound ........ -.- Another one to be deleted heh

    1. Simulator Experiencer

      Simulator Experiencer

      ;) twitch can be hard to set up  haha  , i wish it was easy + dosen't take  so much internet :(  

    2. spider.r0ot2


      So sorry about that bro...


    3. Reaper


      I never checked the audio source before I started streaming, so it was recording the sound in my headset (which there was none xD) instead of my speakers. I streamed again afterwards for another hour or so but... It was pretty bad haha 


      Oh well lesson learned!

  14. Got to drive to Nice today on Viva La France.


    The Toll booths man..... the toll booths... oh it was annoying... xD

  15. Wondering whether to buy Viva La France..... Is it worth it? 


    It's the last bit of money until payday.. :S CAN'T DECIDE.. help xD

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. th3Imgurian


      you're just paying for the DLC.. and you're not paying 9, 10 euros to the site itself..may some cents.. but that's all.. Steam isn't sometimes the first place to buy some games, whatever ;)

    3. Mirko9


      True,on other pages is cheaper.I dont know why,but i only buying a games/DLC-s on steam,because i know that i will get that game/DLC 100% ! 

    4. Reaper


      @Mirko9 That's a very good point mate, I actually have a case open on paypal against G2A, they sold me a CD key that was later revoked for being stolen! If you can believe that. 

      My own fault though for trying to cheap out on it. I think in this case I might just wait and pay steam prices, just for the peace of mind ^^


  16. Woke up sick as a dog... lovely. Better be gone before monday >.>

    1. Leo35


      Motion Sickness Trucker :D hahahaa :) it soon go away pal 

    2. Mirko9


      :( I hope so ,you tommorow be like a superman :D

    3. Reaper


      Hopefully yeah, just don't want to work while sick xD not a fun experience

  17. Friend introduced me to this really cool radio streaming site, maybe you'll like it? (it's not trucker related though, just a normal one :P)



    1. Mirko9


      Hi,i was on that site for 2 mins.Look good 

    2. Reaper


      I've been on for a little bit now, I just really liked the ease I could find/change stations, and lots of them too. Thanks for looking :)

    3. derpatrick9


      I really like this,simple to use. ;)

  18. So I just made the mistake of taking cargo to Duisburg... hello 15 fps....... -.-

    1. Spieker
    2. Reaper


      Another city I'm never delivering to again, I knew the road was bad but, that gave me flashbacks of Rotterdam, and I haven't been there in a long time xD

  19. My new trucking song... 



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Reaper


      I did something like 8 and half minutes the other night... now it's stuck in my head -.-

    3. Forraz
    4. Reaper


      Yeahh just been on a little loop with those, "Why has the rum gone" after that, and "The hobbits to Isengard" after that.... what is wrong with me

  20. After an hour of playing, I found a new friend! (reposted with right link -.- )



  21. So if me and a friend were going to do the 125 tonne cargo, safe to say I'd best bring a 3rd friend as a pilot car, just to be safe?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. stilldre1976


      Better to be safe than sorry get your mate in pilot to tag up "125t loads" too :)

    3. MrHarv98


      Just make sure your pilot car friend in doesnt try to pull 125t trailer, cos mainly he wont be able to pull it and car with trailer aint allowed as you know. Rules say 2 pilot cars per convoy, So i think having 1 pilot car with 2 of you is completely ok ;)

    4. Reaper


      Know this is a tad late, but thanks for the replies guys gunna keep this in mind for the future, unfortunately we didn't end up doing it that night, looking at some time off next week so hopefully will have a chance then :P

  22. How easy/difficult is it to get used to manually shifting on a truck? 


    Thinking of trying it out for a change with the gear shifter, just for that extra complexity to my game heh

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Forraz


      Ah now I understand you. When I drive the R730 Scania in ETS2 I start at 1L and going either 2L or jumping to 3L. All depends on where you are, situation you're in, the angle of the truck, weight of the trailer and some more factors but yeah you're completely right.

    3. Reaper


      Thanks guys for the replies, made my head hurt a little when I was first reading, think I'm going to practice some of this in singleplayer first though, or maybe some unpopulated corner of MP. 


      Not really something I want to practice on the open road, per se :P

  23. Finally home! Work is now done for the week, time to sit back and enjoy some ETS for the weekend! Waaheeyyy

  24. Rained off work again ... -.- 


    Looks like no money for me this week... yaaay

  25. Is it possible to rebind the VOIP key to something else yet? Just got my wheel and I'd kind of like my mic button on there somewhere if possible :P

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Forraz


      Closest you're going to get to this I am betting :)

    3. Glanshon


      Hey @Reaper,


      I'm pleased to let you know that this is something that we're interested in doing, however, it won't be until a future update.


      I hope that this helps :)

    4. Reaper


      Thanks for the reply @Glanshon, that's useful to know, it's gunna make life just that little bit easier in-game, for me atleast anyway :)



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