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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by Euro_Trucker

  1. Game crashed earlier now I can't load the MP any more keeps saying failed to launch euro truck simulator 2 Mulitplayer

  2. From the FB page As you may notice we have huge problems with servers. It may take some time to fix everything. Sorry for inconvenience. Jak można zauważyć mamy spore problemy z serwerami. Naprawa tego problemu może zająć trochę czasu. Przepraszamy za problemy. RootKiller Developer
  3. Awful ping since the update the server has kicked me 5 times becuase its too high, normally I'm around 25 to 35 but I've hit 2460 today

    1. MaddoxX1911


      me too, i dont play normal like before 1.15

    2. MajorKowallsky


      'coz it's boring with no snow

  4. Yes I'm going from Amsterdam to south Poland and its kicked me 5 times so far because my ping is too high I normally average between 25 and 35 but I've just had it hit 2460. My broadband is very fast (160mpbs) so I normally don't get high pings
  5. Downloaded the latest update including snow mod in less than a minute :)

    1. fyzz08


      yes, they fixed download speed

    2. DanielsGamer


      Just got home, getting around 70KB/s

  6. Euro_Trucker

    Fatal error

    your welcome Twój mile widziane
  7. Euro_Trucker

    Fatal error

    The servers have gone down, whether this is due to the update coming this evening or another issue I don't know Serwery spadły, czy jest to spowodowane aktualizacją nadchodzącym tego wieczoru lub inny problem nie wiem
  8. Euro_Trucker

    Fatal error

    Go into your steam library right click on your ets 2 game click properties then click the betas tab and look for temporary _1_14_02 - 1.14.2 Idź do biblioteki pary prawym przyciskiem myszy na swoim ets 2 gry Kliknij opcję Właściwości, a następnie kliknij kartę beta i szukać tymczasowe _1_14_02 - 1.14.2
  9. Anyone else getting an unable to connect to api server message when they are logging in?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MajorKowallsky


      Nah... Now the server is filling up again

    3. Mazokki


      Iwas hoping for 1.15 =(

    4. Euro_Trucker


      Rootkiller: RootKiller

      Some services may be unreachable. We are going to release new update soon.

  10. Monster's Cat: the dev's never promised it would be out yesterday - We are going to push new update to our testers today. If everything goes well we will try to release it tommorow. Maybe they found some issues which need fixing?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Euro_Trucker


      I'd rather wait that bit longer for a stable update than have one thats not 100% right :)

    3. Joey
    4. MajorKowallsky


      Keep calm


      Wait for the

      stable update

  11. Hi I am unable to download the latest version of mod (0.1.1 r3) I have attached a picture below of what I keep on getting EDIT Thanks to Nexx in another thread TO FIX: 1.) Go into the .zip file 2.) Right click .exe file and click 'Repair Archive" 3.) Folder to put the repaired archive: Your Desktop is recommended 4.)Archive type: Treat the corrupt archive as ZIP 5.) Go onto your desktop (Or where you put the repaired archive) 6.) Open the new ZIP file 7.) Run ETS2 MP.exe as normal
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