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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by edgarinskas

  1. Try other servers, like Eu2 or Us.
  2. LoL, Kat pw dosen't know that a new multiplayer update is out so the stream just got crashed....

    1. Creatured


      kat does know that -_-

    2. MrHarv98


      And the new update's are on kat's server's api for your information edgarinskas. Misleading information

    3. edgarinskas


      Oh, well then. But even today 2 cameras aren't working

  3. Lol Hotline Bing video was reuploaded again!

    1. edgarinskas


      Poor Drake with his amazing dance moves

  4. Done translating to lithuanian! Now what? :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stryke


      What needs to be translated to danish? I can give it a shot.

  5. Stupidity in ETS2MP 2!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DerAmpelmann
    3. edgarinskas


      That wasn't that bad actually. But things like these can really ruin gameplay exp...

    4. edgarinskas
  6. Be to ant galo... Jis katik iparkavo ir perziuri savo uzdarbi ir t.t. Nereik vadint duchais iskart
  7. Kad nzn tu radiju geriau neleisk nes nu gali (Jei zinai toki) Copyright'a uzdet....
  8. I don't get the age limit if you want to be an admin. That's is a bit mean in my opinion. If a guy under 17 Years old completes the full list but he can't be an admin because he is just to young. GG

  9. EVERYONE: WE WANT CCTVS! WE WANT CCTVS!! srsly bring them back

    1. stilldre1976


      defo i miss laughing at the rotterdam passway lol

    2. Creatured


      Jeezless calm down

      kat is busy ya know

  10. Damn, still waiting for my idea to be added! (To be able to steer with arrow keys while typing)
  11. Skype dosen't work!!!!

  12. http://www.part.lt/img/ee056298501b96e08870af4ed9c24357506.png GG admins... If this happens again then im out. Oh and i swear i did nothing, and the video link dosen't work
  13. So much for EU 1... It's DOWN

  14. Is it just me or does steam going offline every 30 mins??

  15. Lietuvių konvojus! http://ets2c.com/vie...ev-bremen-hotel Maršrutas! http://www.part.lt/i...34dcea73121.png http://www.part.lt/i...3895e865303.png http://www.part.lt/i...66d497b0923.png TS: TS.CSS.LT Ieškokite kanalo vardu -----------ETS2MPLT--------------------- ( Prie galo ) ( Pass: ets2 ) GPS taškai: 1. Startas 4. Sustojimas 5. Kam reikia važiuoja iki service Kolne, kiti laukia greitkelyje 7. Kam reikia važiuoja iki service Prahoje, kiti laukia greitkelyje 8. Sustojimas 10. Konvojaus pabaiga, Padaroma nuotrauka Jei galima atvažiuoti į Bremeną 30 min anksčiau, NEVĖLUOTI, nes traukinys šikančiu nelaukia. Rekomenduoju susižimėti GPS taškus kaip parodyta nuotraukose jei paklysite nuo konvojaus! Jei jūsų sunkvežimis yra silpnas, priekabos neimkite. Greičio limitas: 100 Km/H ( Jei bus daug žmonių su silpnais varykliais pamažinsiu ) Laukiu visų! Turbūt viską flmuosiu.
  16. Today in Europort

    1. Hevar


      I hope those drivers gets punishment by admins soon

    2. DerAmpelmann


      1st case looked more like lag

    3. edgarinskas


      Yes it was. But they should be kicked/banned from the server because of the ping. These kind of players makes huge traffic jams...

  17. Junkit lauk jus ta puslapi nes niekas nevyksta terp jo, beto tvarkomas dabar isvis vps...
  18. Made a Video!

    1. edgarinskas


      I did this in SP so noone hates me :)

  19. So before installing MP mod my tirednes (IDK How you call it. The icon of a bed in GPS) Always slowly filled up. Now in MP the driver just dosen't get tired anymore. I don't know is this a bug or what. Also i don't have any mods/cheats (Only mp) installed!
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