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Everything posted by MartinV90

  1. Unfortunately, I feel like their are much easier ways to monitor the player capacity for each server, and I feel like TMP would at some stage adjusted servers accordingly. Don’t see any need for it to change weekly based on plays active as thats just getting confusing and unnecessary, and sone weeks just might have higher levels than other weeks (like when events are on)
  2. So what is your suggestion? Your post seems more like feedback.
  3. You would think people wouldn’t be stupid enough to load into TMP in the middle of a road, but here we are This is one of those suggestions which is actually very simple, yet very useful! If you are approaching a vehicle in ghost mode, you know to slow down if countdown in less than 10 seconds which avoids playing a guessing game driving through a ghost mode vehicle. so I absolutely support this suggestion. My only question is, i believe ghost mode is 30 seconds? (Tbh i have never counted it) would this suggestion cause problems if people actually connected in game quicker or slower because of their Internet speed/pc specs?
  4. There are quite a few people that have requested a real simulation server, which would include speed limits, following road signs etc. I do kind of agree with you though. If you don’t want the chaos of simulation 1, you are forced to go into another server where the speed limit is even higher! so although there are less people on the server, the people that are on the server are driving like idiots. I am not a very big TMP player. I would much rather focus on single player and just come to TMP for convoys. I hope tmp change something soon though.
  5. The whole point of the CD road is mainly single lane traffic. There is the alternative of driving the same route but on the highway which most of the way is 2/3 lanes. So i see no need to change anything apart from Gas Stations & Rail track.
  6. Although I like the principal of only VTC drivers having their VTC tag, the only issue is what happens if you are required to have a tag because you are part of an event team for an event group (like ICG or United Convoys, Cool convoys) there are not VTC’s but still require staff managing events to have tags so can be easily identified by drivers along the route.
  7. I don’t understand why this is needed? If people just stick to their side of the road or use their eyes to see trucks, potentially on the one side of the road, then you wouldn’t have a problem . Adding this is just going to look a complete mess when you have lots of dots on each other especially in populated areas.
  8. Got to agree with you, for the amount of people that actually drive that road and pull into the fuel station 16 parking spots is definitely not enough, especially if you actually take into account the amount of time people can now be AFK. It’s not like they are short of space..
  9. Good Morning.. This is a friendly reminder, for your suggestion to be considered, you need to follow the official suggestion rules. Failure to do this will see your suggestion get rejected automatically by moderators. I’ll post the rules below. Rules When suggesting a new idea, please make sure you use the template below, otherwise your suggestion will not be considered. Please remember to keep your suggestion constructive, and keep it to one idea per topic. Suggestion Name: Suggestion Description: Any example images: Why should it be added?: Please note that all suggestions MUST be written in English!
  10. I like this suggestion!! So many times i’ve marked “I’ll be there” and forgot and only way to see your events is to login to website. An email system reminding you would be good (if you could custom the time they are sent) but i’d prefer the ability to automatically sync events to your phone calendar!
  11. I like this suggestion! It gives us a nice idea of whats being worked on. Also if people can see project developments they won’t need to keep suggesting such features
  12. My understanding is the whole purpose of /fix is not so people can just drive recklessly, causing collisions, knowing they can easily fix their truck. It is to give you the chance to pull over to the side of the road to F7 if truck is too severely damaged to continue driving. Allowing trailers or cargo to be fixed I believe is only going to lead to more reckless driving. It certainly is not something you would do in real life if you damage your truck, trailer or cargo you get penalized. I am one of the people that want more realistic features like no /fix server, not Features that are the complete opposite to IRL.
  13. Unfortunately, I disagree, being kicked doesn’t do anything. It just means you can reconnect. Also, you are forgetting that just because multiple people report somebody does not mean they have done anything wrong or will even receive any punishment so people could get kicked from server for no reason.
  14. At the end of the day they can’t sit there and say it would not be worth it as there are 2 servers currently each with 1,500 Player limit and only 11 & 12 drivers on them! In my opinion they could easily revamp one of those, and it would see more drivers. If you look down the suggestions, all you see, is either people wanting some sort of real simulation server or people tired of trolls. Honestly, think even if it had 100 players, it would be a success.. The point is for TMP to offer us drivers the choice how or where we want to drive. Of course, there would be big parts of the map which do seem quiet, But at the end of the day, that’s no difference to the current servers. i currently play single player as its as real as it gets.
  15. I do feel like TMP do need to do something or that’s going to happen is they are going to force the people that want to drive properly to the in-game convoy mode instead!
  16. This is one of the issues I have raised with TMP, the suggestions system is so clogged up and goes back several years that it is very easy to miss Good suggestions like this one.
  17. Suggestion Name: Revamp a quieter server to Real Simulation Suggestion Description: There are many different types of suggestions out there regarding Real simulation servers, my suggestion is to revamp one of the less used servers to become a Real simulation server. by doing this TMP are not having to create or pay for a new server, They are simply revamping one which is going to get more users. what I think a real simulation server should look like? • Max 90k/h Limit • collisions inside Companies • No Cars (But busses are allowed) • Disable /fix • Disable AFK (the purpose of disabling AFK is so drivers cannot sit at company bays blocking them, or there would have to be some sort of auto kick system if drivers were sat inside companies for more than 3 minutes, this is providing companies did become collision zones) Do you have an example image? No Why should it be added?: This is a simulation game, a lot of us want to drive as realistically as possible. If you do not like the chaos of Sim 1, you’re only option is a server which has an increased speed limit, which makes no sense, since when would a truck in real life go 130! if I’m completely honest, I have slowly gone off TMP, its just about getting as many people into sim 1 as possible and not thinking about the purpose of the actual game which is to simulate real life driving! This server would be a huge success to the people that generally want to drive professionally. I also feel like you should not be allowed access to this server if your account is less than 3 months old or if you have more than 2 active bans within 12 months. Also maybe slightly harsher bans could be issued in this server. The reason for these suggestions is keep the trolls away & keep the server for drivers who want to play professionally!
  18. Can’t really use that as an excuse though can you when you literally have to accept the terms and conditions when you first login which includes the Rules.
  19. A couple of months on since your original suggestion and I have never wanted something so much!! (Seen multiple people requesting a similar type of server, including myself) I’m loosing interest in TMP with the way things currently are! Sim 1 is just chaotic, especially the CD area, and you can try and go to a quieter area but it’s just not the same and you still have people trolling. Sim 2 has a ridiculous speed limit of 130! Like irl pretty sure max a truck can go is 90! So if you don’t want the chaos of Sim 1 you are forced to use sim 2 where drivers are using it as a racetrack. (Only arcade should have such speeds) My thoughts about the real simulation server: • 90 limit (WOT Speed) • collisions in companies (this is what makes it that little bit more real life you having to wait for a loading bay) • Car Free sever! (The game is called Euro Truck after all! 1 car free server won’t kill people) • Also love the no /fix command! I do feel though, if this server was implemented, they would strongly have to consider disabling AFK, this reduces the risk of drivers parking at companies and clogging up loading bays (assuming they would become collision zones) I also feel anybody who played in this server should receive tougher punishments if they are banned (by implementing this, you are encouraging people to drive professionally, and it is a way of putting off the trolls) Of course you are never going to get 4000 drivers in this server, but the way I see it you currently have 5 servers, only 2 really get good numbers to keep open, so you could easily revamp one of the existing servers, so it is not costing you money to set up a brand new server. Lastly, TMP consists different types of drivers, those who want chaos, those who want to troll, but Also a good amount of drivers who wish to drive together in a professional way as real as possible to simulate real life. Honestly, this server could be a huge success, and there is clearly demand for it!
  20. Totally agree!! Sometimes you don’t need to F7 but you just have to wait before you can use /fix, so being unable to safely be able to pull over onto the hard shoulder or in a safe space would be perfect. This generally isn’t a problem unless you are in a busy area. I absolutely hate the chaos on Sim1, I do not like the cars or caravans. But on Sim2, I do not like the increased speed limit. I would love a real simulation server, where you can only go the speed limit, collisions are enabled in companies (so you actually have to wait like irl) but AFK is disabled (so drivers can’t sit there, blocking a loading bay at a company) I’d also remove /fix in this server, the point of the real simulation server is to make it as real to real life as possible ! Also would like to see much tougher punishments for anybody who breaks any rule in this server! Yes, it would never be as popular as simulation 1, but honestly, it would be really nice to have a server like this where we can just go and drive with other drivers in a professional way without trolls and Chaos! In my opinion, if you want to travel 150 whatever the max speed limit is) then go on Arcade!
  21. If the player is reported using the tab menu, the moderators would get round to it as soon as possible (they just work from the top of the list to the bottom) I feel there is no need for an announcement in the chat to be made! if anything this would only lead to complications because you would then start getting people reporting people for hacking when they are not hacking, and you are letting that person know they have been reported giving them time to potentially leave the server (also rejoining so their ID is different) and delete their TMP account..
  22. TMP just need to stop allowing users to delete their account while they have an active ban!
  23. Suggestion Name: In-game chat visibility options Suggestion Description: My suggestion is to have the ability to customize who can communicate with you via the chat. Currently you are able to see all messages from drivers within a certain distance from you (is it 800m?) however my suggestion is to be able to select from the following options in the tab menu 1. Chat Public (receive and send messages from everybody near you) 2. Steam Friends & VTC members Only (receive, and send messages only to your Steam friends and people in your VTC) Any example images: No Why should it be added?: we all know it can be very difficult to keep up with the chat from people having multiple conversations, this obviously distracts you whilst you are driving as you are trying to find the messages which are relevant to your conversation. Having the ability to only receive and send messages to Steam friends, and VTC members means there will be less spamming, it will be much easier to keep up with conversations, you only get messages from people you want, and it will just generally be a much nicer feature.
  24. This is an interesting suggestion however, I have a couple of concerns 1. I believe you would get more people randomly stopping in the road to then send a message 2. How would convoys/events work if you were unable to send or read convoy instructions? 3. I feel like you would get more plonkers on the CB and although you can turn this feature off what would then be the point of multiplayer if you didn’t have a way of communicating? Your suggestion wasn’t clear if you would still be able to read other peoples messages while driving or Weather you would only not be able to chat, unless you were stopped. In my opinion, I personally wish they would bring back the key command to turn chat off (but keep tab open) which they changed recently. so, although I do like your suggestion, I’m unsure whether it would work or not. I am somebody who typically does not type when driving. Mainly because I can’t multitask. But I do understand your point about losing concentration when you are having to look at the chat or even look at the keyboard to type a message whilst driving.
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