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Retired Team Member
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Status Replies posted by Noxii

  1. I've been really enjoying Joji- Glimpse of us recently... 🤔

  2. I've been really enjoying Joji- Glimpse of us recently... 🤔

  3. Had a nice little evening drive with @DerAmpelmann(The nub Moomin) last night. ?




  4. Sad to see you leave the team ? Thanks for all your work in the team ? we will miss you ? Hope you return again someday ❤️

    1. Noxii


      Yeah hopefully I'll manage to be back one day! ?

  5. Got a new POV driving clip up on my YouTube channel for those of you who might be interested, you can find it below. :)




    1. Noxii


      It's a Scania, ofc it was driveable boi! Driveable quality :mlg_doge:

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. Built a new truck for MP, I do quite like it. :)



  7. I am very happy to see you again as a game host. congratulations


    kind regards

    Suit thug[Wang]_

    Truckersmp Player

    1. Noxii


      Thank you so much!

  8. Congratulations! :love:

    1. Noxii


      Thank you! :) 

  9. Congrats Noxii and welcome back! ❤️ 

    1. Noxii


      Thank you so much! :) 

  10. I'm glad to see you again as a Game Moderator. Congratulations ?❤️:P

    1. Noxii


      Thank you so much! :D 

  11. Congratulations! ? ?

  12. This year has been quite eventful for me, only outside of this community. I served my year as a conscript which didn't leave much time for TMP adventures. I'm happy to be back here with you all to see what the next year brings.


    Merry Christmas and a happier new year! ?



    1. Noxii


      Oh I recognise that picture, I wonder who that truck on your right belongs to.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. Congratulations!  :)

  14. Congratulations! ? ?

    1. Noxii


      Thank you so much! :) 


    Congratulations Noxii ?

    1. Noxii


      Thank you so much! :)

  16. Fezz

    Fezz    Noxii

    Congrats! I'm proud! :D


    1. Noxii


      Thank you so much! :D 

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