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Everything posted by flybel

  1. flybel


    Ich persönlich mache sie nur kurz an, wenn ich vom Firmengelände auf die Straße fahre oder die Straße in anderer Weise blockieren muss. Sobald ich in meiner Spur bin mache ich sie dann den Rest der Fahrt aus.
  2. Wenn in ATS alles funktioniert, kannst du auch mal die Steuerungsconfig-Datei vom ATS in dein ETS2 kopieren. Wenn ich mich recht entsinne hat das bei mir geklappt, als ich mal Probleme mit meinem Controller hatte (auch ein DS4, allerdings mit XInput Mapper).
  3. No Damage Mods waren sehr leicht zu missbrauchen. Für die, die den Mod sinnvoll genutzt haben, bleibt nun nur noch, Quicksaves zu erstellen, was erleichtert wurde, da man dank Ghost Mode nun auch auf der Straße spawnen kann, ohne ein großes Chaos zu verursachen. Des Weiteren wird gerade die Man-Power der Ingame Moderatoren deutlich erhöht, was gegen Rammen und Blockieren bald stark zur Geltung kommen wird, da dann deutlich mehr Ingame-Reports bearbeitet werden können.
  4. Per default, this is not supposed to happen because generally, people can't drive through each other. If they do, one of them is using a hack which you can report using the report system. If this issue is specific to a certain point on the map, there may be a map issue, but that is not something TruckersMP can fix and nothing SCS will fix because their original game does not feature clipping as well. For you in German as well:
  5. It seems like this is your profile: You will need to make sure that your profile is public. Go to http://steamcommunity.com/id/florinmsk/edit/settings and make sure your profile status is set to public!
  6. ^ Ist das dann richtig, dass das Spiel auch die Fragezeichen nicht aufdeckt?
  7. Wie bist du denn da in die Stadt gekommen? Alle Straßen sind grau, also angeblich noch nie befahren, und die Fragezeichen wurden nicht aufgedeckt... Wenn du dafür keine Erklärung hast, würde ich behaupten, dass da gewaltig was schiefgelaufen ist... Spiel bei Steam? Dann mal versucht, die lokalen Dateien auf Fehler zu prüfen? Läuft das Spiel mit OpenGL oder DirectX? Grafiktreiber aktuell? Was für eine GPU hast du?
  8. I've had the issue as well, however it only said I got 0% damage. Unfortunately, it is not clear whether it is a TruckersMP or ETS2 issue, but the fact that the trailer is not supported could play a role in this. I also notice that sometimes when I take a job (to which the trailer is already spawned because it is no WoTr job) my trailer or other trailers go flying or take damage, no matter what size the trailer has. Fortunately, before you take the job, the game autosaves every time, so you can in that case always load the newest autosave and take the exact same job again and the damage will be gone!
  9. So far there has been only one situation in which I made use of the Ghost Mode. I spawned on a parking spot between Oslo and Bergen where there is no NCZ. I was alone when I parked, and as I loaded the game again, there were a bunch of players parking, thus I was inside another truck and had to drive through another with Ghost Mode to be able to continue on my way. Ghost Mode ended before I was free of the other trucks, but I was still able to go through and no trucks were flying around in the end. Thus, I support @[TUG] Aragon's point as it is the easiest and safest solution to this problem. And everyone, stop complaining about where @Glada_Laxen decided to park/create a quicksave, as it is obvious and can be seen in the video that they loaded an autosave of which one can't decide where they are created. Most of the time, you don't think about creating a quicksave and when someone totales your truck, it is already too late and autosaves are the only way to save your money and time. In the end, Ghost Mode was introduced based off this idea (because chances of spawning in other people are very low if you exit the game on the side of the road).
  10. ^ Well, that's my point of view based on my observations as I both own a Discord and TeamSpeak server. Already from a theoretical perspective, as it was nicely put before in this thread, "Discord is more a chat with the possibilty to talk and Teamspeak is a voice program with the possibility to chat". That plus what I wrote about different possibilities for admins to me seems to be the reason why none of the two will "kill" the other any time soon. On my TeamSpeak server, I have not recognized any reduced activity of my userbase (except for my own, that is ^^). But I would say Discord communities, especially bigger ones, are based on the aspect of chatting without being connected to voice, a feature TeamSpeak does not have. That works well especially for all the partnered communities and the TruckersMP Discord is probably a good example of that, too.
  11. ^ This is a different issue (with the snow mod, not the Scania update)
  12. If you see the icon and name in the top left corner when other people talk but not when your friends talk, that means they probably don't press the right key. To confirm, ask your friends whether they see the icon in the bottom right corner when they talk, and make sure they are pressing X to talk. This is assuming you are near each other, of course, you can't talk to each other when you're too far away.
  13. ^ I have to say I disagree. Not on the second part, but the first... If you consider servers, Discord is free and TS is not. Either you rent a server, you rent a VPS and have your own TS server (that way even without a license you pay) or you have an extra PC in your house, that way you pay the electricity bill. However, you get the added bonus of deciding when your server is reachable and when it is not. Discord does have server issues occasionally, and if that's the case you can't do anything about it. TeamSpeak however requires no login servers and no server list. Your server will only be down as you or your hoster shuts it down. And you can even decide to take your server offline, whereas you would need to delete your Discord server for that. And now let's stop looking at the servers and rather look at the client: With Discord, you get the option to pay for Nitro, with TeamSpeak, there is no way to pay for your client. So "Discord free, TS not" works the other way around as well. "TS has more options for the administrator" is unprecise. TS only offers you Join Power and doesn't let you subscribe to a channel (= doesn't let you see what is inside the channel, but you can still see that the channel exists) as you can assign channels to certain groups and even make channels vanish for certain groups with Discord. Therefore, even if one has more options than the other, I would rather say that they offer different options for the administrator. All in all, that makes them both very competitive but for now none of them will supersede the other.
  14. If your friends can hear you but you can't hear them, that means you all are in the same channel and all your radios are on, that's good. There should be an icon when other people speak, can you see it when your friends try to talk? If you see the icon but you don't hear them, the issue may reside in the audio setup of your friends. They want to make sure to have a working microphone and sound setup that works with other applications. Your friends can test their microphones from within the TruckersMP Sound settings as well. If you don't see the icon, chances are they are simply pushing the wrong button. The push-to-talk button is X. Of course, make sure that you can hear game sound and you have the TruckersMP audio settings set correctly (see the image). A good indication would be if you can hear other people talking on the CB radio. Let us know if you have further information so we can better assist you.
  15. I have this issue too. Seems to be connected to the lighting of the new Scania. I've also only had the problem since I switched from OpenGL to DirectX, but that may be a coincidence.
  16. The yellow indication (specific to this truck, iirc it looks different on other trucks) indicates that the braking pressure is too low. Trucks use air pressure to apply the brakes, and if the air pressure is too low, brakes cannot be lifted and thus you cannot drive. The pressure will build up as the engine is running, specifically with higher revs. If you don't like this, you can disable that braking system in the Gameplay section of the settings (it is called Air brakes simulation).
  17. As a player of TruckersMP, you cannot load mods into multiplayer, thus only modifying your savegame will have an effect on multiplayer. Support for the winter mod has to come from TruckersMP officially, which has delayed so far because of many game updates and DLCs being released. For now, you will have to play multiplayer without a winter mod and be patient. I'm certain we will see the winter mod later this year This is an official statement of TruckersMP on the matter: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/announcement/31-current-development-status-overview-info/
  18. Looks like a game issue to me, which means SCS has to fix it and there is nothing TruckersMP can do against it. In that case, you should report it here: https://forum.scssoft.com/viewforum.php?f=40 You could try to recreate this in singleplayer to confirm.
  19. It seems like it's a major difference whether you're using OpenGL or DirectX, I've noticed that the FPS decrease per rendered player is very high with OpenGL but not really noticeable with DirectX. Maybe someone could verify this, and in that case I'd recommend adding that to the guide.
  20. I would like to see a greater variety of cars too, but the AI cars are simply not modelled detailed enough. Other mods like the Skoda one would make more sense from my point of view.
  21. There was a new fix released today, now the "Supported ETS2 version" displays correctly. Try if it works now when you opt out from all beta's.
  22. Same here How do I choose to start with either, I thought TMP used DX by default... For everyone: If you get this error, right-click your "Launch TruckersMP" on your desktop, go to "Properties" and add "-rdevice dx9" behind the path.
  23. It reset my video settings, but after selecting "Keyboard + XBox 360 Controller for Windows" again, it worked. Thanks a lot! /solved
  24. Hey, I recently bought ATS. I already played ETS2 with my DualShock4 controller and a driver called DS4 to XInput Mapper 1.2.2 by InhexSTER and everything works fine. The driver emulates an XBox Controller for Windows. However when I bought ATS (it was just after the update was released that said " XInput support added - custom support for XBox controller. "), I was able to configure all analog controls, but the button mapping did not work at all. It just shows no reaction when I want to set a control and press a button on the controller. Not quite sure what that's about, can anyone help me?
  25. Interesse an einer freien Mini-Spedition ohne Fahrtenbuch, aufgezwungene Firmenlackierung etc.?


    Dann melde dich, denn die Micro Logistics Germany [MLG] suchen interessierte Fahrer. Einzige Voraussetzung ist TeamSpeak.

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