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Sprinter318 [BY-4]

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  1. please bring back a server like eu2 with speed limiter to 150km/h and collisions becuase in my opinion there's no point playing this mod since on arcade servers theres no collisions which takes away the whole point of driving and forcing people to play on the simulation server since it has 4200 slots. now i'm forced to quit playing mp until something will change, but for now tmp deleted
  2. I would like to know if this is allowed https://imgur.com/XAHRs5h i always use this combination and someone said that this is bannable
  3. waiting for HGVMP :kappa:
  4. @MrG721 exactly
  5. you can go well over 170 easily so idk where you got the max 160 from
  6. don't worry, I'm gonna come back
  7. @Smalley I was about to write something but you wrote just in time. @Caen Beleaua it's probably gonna be limited by tomorrow becuase they removed it by accident unfortunately for me becuase I enjoy driving fast on mp with friends
  8. @Seanster it harder to overtake with a limit of 150 kph
  9. @Akash lol kiddo idk about my bans I play for fun but now it seems I won't be able to have fun becuase of the speed limit @Akash lmao says the kid that had a name 200KMPH XD
  10. when I saw that people wrote that the limit got taken off I got really hyped even got on tmp but then I go to the next page and I see that it was a mistake and it will be added again so I got off mp
  11. yes it has been, but please remove the speed limiter on eu2
  12. first the no damage mod now speed limiter to 150 what's next?
  13. AdaBey thanks for the answer, so it means that the limiter will be taken off after easter?
  14. yesterday everything worked fine i could go 180km/h in my trucks but now I cant go over 150km/h, it really pisses me off and makes me not wanna play mp ever again. Someone told that there is a new update that doesn't allow go over 150 which is literally the worst update in mp ever and someone said that a admin put on a blockade for me, I was like wtf? never heard of that.
  15. It seems to be working right for now. Thanks for the help.
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