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Veteran Driver IX
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Status Updates posted by JeKnYan

  1. Is anyone's else game crashing at this area? (C-D road entrance just outside Calais) 


    Seems like i'm not the only one



    1. Titanic4


      Does the game.log.txt say anything after the fatal error?

  2. Sim1 just crashed lmao

  3. Why isn't Calais a NCZ when Duisburg is...

    1. berechtigter


      There is no reason to make Calais to a ncz. The past has shown that it is smart to make Duisburg to one.

  4. I’m officially back after 4 years away! Jeez I can’t believe it was that long ago



  5. What is this even...



  6. Why am I watching this over and over:


  7. Vietnam right now



    Don't let them take our land!

    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      thank you very much :wub:

  8. Happy Nootday!

  9. What do you wish wouldn't have gone away?


  10. Laurel or Yanny? It’s clearly Laurel

    1. TrademarkGamer


      It's both. The two are overlaid on each other but at different frequencies so if you try really hard you can change the one you hear

    2. Zelcrum


      Oh dear.. please keep me at least here from this hype <_<:rolleyes:

    3. Sticky



  11. Happy Birthday mate!

  12. You're not forgettable



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