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Veteran Driver III
 TruckersMP Profile
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About CaptainCat.

  • Birthday 06/06/2004

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    The Netherlands
  • Interests
    F1, Driving my car, Spending time with my car, Washing my car, Buying parts for my car, Photographing with my car, overtaking a F1 car with my car.
    Playing with my cats,
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    The Netherlands: Groningen
  • Known languages
    Dutch, English

TruckersMP Information

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CaptainCat.'s Achievements


Contributor (4/13)

  • Well Followed
  • Avid Talker
  • One Year On
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Community Answers

  1. Happy (belated) Birthday!


    Oftewel alsnog gefelicteerd, want ik kwam pas net achter dat je een Nederlander bent 😛 

  2. Oye, happy birthday ❤️

  3. Happy birthday 🎉

    1. Funkenstein


      Thank you so much!! I forgot my Birthday was shown so sorry for the late response 

  4. I am using dark green with white on my favorite truck
  5. Little bit late but thanks for the follow ! 😁

  6. Thanks for the follow 😄

    1. Almira xeltz.

      Almira xeltz.

      Oyee, Thank you too 

  7. Great banner nub :HaulieLove:

  8. Thanks for the follow 😄

  9. Bedankt dat je me volgt! :HaulieLove: | Thank you for the follow! :HaulieLove:  @CaptainCat.

  10. Thanks for the follow!

  11. Real companies can't really be added to TruckersMP therefore they need licences from the companies
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