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Everything posted by Bangshuai6

  1. 现在在线上中只有promds 2.60的mod可以兼容剩下的mod都不兼容,所以你登录不了线上模式,单机模式里面所以mod都可以兼容,解决办法是你必须把除了promds 2.60的之外的mod删除你才能进入
  2. Thank you all for your help, I have solved my problem
  3. hi @SkazochnickI have tried many methods myself and I unpatreon to try to reconnect but like the picture shows.
  4. I joined as a sponsor at 5:24 UTC on 1 February, why did my sponsorship close at 0:41 UTC on 2 February, what do I do now?
  5. 有可能是没有开灯导致,也有可能是您的网络问题,你可以检查你的网络,或你看看你是否开起加速器等
  6. I can't wait to attend this event!
  7. congrats! Juank?

    1. JuanK.


      Thank you!! ❤️

  8. Congrats!?

    1. SirSlammed


      Thank you on your kind message. :HaulieLove:

  9. Congrats! Stan?

    1. Stan


      Thank you!

  10. This happened to me too, I tried many things at the time, one way to recover it is to log out of the game and log back in, it will recover it, if it doesn't work you can try a few more times (I hope this method of mine will help you)
  11. happy birthday! ?

    1. Ali.


      Thank youuuu :HaulieLove:

  12. happy birthday!?

  13. congrats!?

    1. Caernage


      Thanks Banshuai6!

  14. congrats!?

    1. ZaroMW


      Thank you so much ? ❤️

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