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Veteran Driver II
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About LesJaxx

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  1. Finally we cant see how long theyve been banned. Yesssss. Im so happy that we cant see anymore it. *sarcasm*
  2. The kids wanted this** Because they cant afford nfs Read my point, what i wroted earlier. Thx
  3. And last, but not least, synchronizing random road events and weather, and optimization so you don't have 10 fps when 30 of you are standing next to each other
  4. Firstly, I think that with this move, TruckersMP has stepped back into its old days, and secondly, it has shown how many little kids play this game. And thirdly, I disagree with this move, especially because Simulation is the name of the server, then let's have simulation in the speed limit too. That's exactly what arcade servers were for, if you like to go fast, that's where you belong. Promods for server is mainly a bad idea. Fourthly, I think truckersmp should not need such innovations, but bug fixes, like map zoom crash fix, or alt tab crash fix, or client crash because asus aura sync software. And to bring in new features like company specific truck and trailer skin uploads that can be used on the server by employees of that company. Or a communtyhub where approved mods can be downloaded and used on the server. If the season mods can be solved, this can be done.
  5. Dear Truckersmp Users! I just driving on my way and in Austria the A11 road tollgate not working. I tried every tollgate but it doesnt working. The Toll is near to Klagenfurt. Please fix it.
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