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Retired Team Member
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Replies posted by Rowan

  1. Happy birthday 🎂🎉 

  2. Happy Birthday! :HaulieLove:

    1. Rowan


      thankss ❤️ 

  3. Happy Birthday!

  4. Rowannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn or NoWar:kappa: Happy Birthday!!!! have a nice day today!! 🥳🍰

  5. Happy Birthday ! :HaulieLove:

    1. Rowan


      thankss ❤️ 

  6. happy birthday!🎂

    1. Rowan


      thankss ❤️ 

  7. Happy Birthday!

  8. Happy Birthday 🥳

  9. Guest

    Guest    Rowan

    Happy Birthday!

  10. Happy Birthday! 🎉

  11. N  C

    N C    Rowan

    Happy Birthday

  12. Happy Birthday 🎂 

  13. Happy birthday! 🎉

    1. Rowan


      thankss ❤️ 

  14. Happy birthday

  15. Guest

    Guest    Rowan

    Happy birthday

    1. Rowan


      thankss ❤️ 


  16. *taps the microphone* Is this thing on? 

    Hiya! How is everyone?

    1. Rowan


      Sorry can't hear you can u put the mic a bit louder?


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. Everything comes to an end...


    I was obsessed with trucking games since I was a small kid. And this obsession I managed to carry to this day. 8 years ago, I found ETS2MP, and those 8 years changed my life. Literally. TruckersMP was my go-to place for entertainment (the only place, in fact). Suffice to say, I saw everything - from enormous lockdown online to small raids on Discord, from successful Patreon campaign to backlash over new features/limitations. And for the most parts (6.5 years) I was somewhat involved in all of that as a team member, for which I am very grateful. This community and team allowed me to boost my English skills, my communication skills and, most importantly, gave me the opportunity to boost my programming skills. I was very involved in this community and tried to be as useful as possible even in retirement.


    But now it is time to move on. I am very tired of being so concentrated/fixated on TruckersMP, and I have some criticism towards the current team. 8 years is a very long time to dedicate to only one community, no matter how welcoming and comforting they are. I need to do something else, really. I am not leaving just yet, but I won't be that much active as I was before. My TMP-related projects will live until I lose interest eventually (expect some updates about TruckersMP Steam Helper in a near future).


    TruckersMP will always be in my heart. Thank you for everything.

  18. HandOfNub :HaulieLove:

    1. Rowan


      Omg a Admin responded! Im ur biggest fan!

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  19. Happy Birthday!! Rowan:HaulieExcited: 

    (Super max max max, super max:LUL:)

    1. Rowan


      Thank you ❤️ 

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