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Veteran Driver IV
ย TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by 'Carter

  1. Sad to see you go, I remember you had just became Report mod, andย  I saw you driving and said Hello!. Which was forever ago now!๐Ÿ™

  2. Hello! I'll definitely have to say "Sunny day", simply because of the clarity in pictures, as well as the games' just look better set to sunny days.
  3. Hello! I've seen this bug, but never had it happen to me personally. However, I did have the problem where ALT+TAB wouldn't work at all. Any how, have you tried these steps: -Opening a app in the background to see if it won't freeze -Uninstalling your game -Removing all mods, and save edits If non of these recommendations have worked, or are working. Read through this SCS-Blog to see if their fixes/problems correlate to the issues you're having. -https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=290727 If your problems/issues have been resolved or fixed please do drop a check mark Have a good day
  4. Hello @gego78900! Unfortunately, if you're referring to a customization mods for TruckersMP there is no such thing. Unless you're referring to save editing. Which I do not recommend as if it lags people out it is ban-able. However, you can find more about the save editing rules here. Furthermore, if you're talking about single player there is plenty of mods out there for you to choose, even trucks themselves.
  5. Hello @semhut05! Typically when you're in Calais with the magnitude of the player population is there within one city. It alone can take your FPS down pretty low. I have a 1650 Super, and when I go into busier areas my fps drops as well. Once they've cleared off your TAB menu your FPS will be restored. If you go there pretty frequently I'd say lower your graphics for the high populated areas. If it's every where that your graphics drops, I'd say try moving down to 1080p, I've noticed 1440p can cause a bit of lag even for me. However, like I said try lower your graphics or don't go to as populated areas.
  6. ats_20221129_140129_00.png
    Is it just me, or does ATS look a bit better? Same 400% scaling, and such.

    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Great Photos, think you are right ๐Ÿฅฐโค๏ธ:HaulieLove:

  7. I don't see why you couldn't. I'd say make a support ticket, and see what they say considering I don't think it couldn't be done. As long as your old account doesn't have a ban or a perma ban it should be possible. If you do have a ban it could be considered ban evading. Rule: ยง1.2 - Ban Evading - PERMANENT BAN Creating or using another account to get around a temporary or permanent ban. Attempting to remove ban evidence to get out of a ban. If the evidence points that you have evaded a ban, staff reserve the right to ban you again without notification. Evidence for ban evading cannot be disclosed due to it containing confidential server-side information. However, like I said open a support ticket to see how so it could be done.
  8. I don't normally drive Mercedes to often, however I thought this was a nice picture near Duisburgย โค๏ธย ย 

  9. Happy Birthday!๐ŸŽ‰


  10. Happy Birthday!๐ŸŽ‚

  11. Happy Birthday!๐ŸŽ‰

  12. Happy Birthday!๐ŸŽ‚

  13. Happy Birthday!๐ŸŽ‰

  14. Happy Birthday!๐ŸŽ‚

  15. Happy birthday Luna!ย ๐ŸŽ‚

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