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About Leksa00

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  1. Does that mean I'll never be able to play on TruckersMP servers again?
  2. Is it somehow possible to delete a permanent ban? I had two steam accounts and on both Euro Truck Simulator 2 and 2 TruckersMP accounts and the administration told me that I got a permanent ban because of that, so if that permanent ban can somehow be deleted because I want to play Multiplayer but I can't
  3. Da li neko zna da li mogu promeniti mejl adresu TruckersMP naloga posto nemam vise pristup mejl adresi koja je povezana sa Truckers akauntom i ne mogu da promenim sifru?
  4. No it's not. My problem is the following: I have 2 steam accounts and on both I have purchased Euro Truck Simulator 2. I wanted to log in to another TruckersMP account (not this one) which is connected to another steam account, but I don't have access to that email and I can't change it code. Can you help me change the email on that other TruckersMP account even though I don't have access to that email or tell me which email is associated with that TruckersMP account. Thanks for your reply.
  5. Is it possible to create a new account on TruckersMP with a new email and replace it with the old TruckersMP account, since I don't have access to the old email and I can't get into the game and I don't know the password.
  6. Thanks for your reply. I sent a ticket and no one has answered me yet. Is it possible to create a new account on TruckersMP with a new email and replace it with the old one, since I don't have access to the old email and I can't enter the game and I don't know the password.
  7. When I want to log in to another TruckersMP account (I have 2 steam accounts with Euro Truck Simulator 2) it tells me that the email or password is incorrect. I don't have access to an email for another TruckersMP account to change the password, so if you can help me and tell me what to do.
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