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Veteran Driver X
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Replies posted by [VIVΛ HH] KЯΛVΛTIΞ

  1. imagine loosing your no bans streak thats been going since 2015

  2. when is the api going to get fixed I have been waiting for like 4 days now


  3. christmas truck



  4. Finally got to drive with @Ali. again ♥️



  5. christmas truck



  6. Noot Noot! We've just reached Level 2 of our server boosts! Come check our community (and our new fancy server banner) out at: https://discord.plasmagc.com :D

  7. imagine getting banned



  8. wtf is this? Why does every post hass to approved by moderators? lmao

  9. wtf is this? Why does every post hass to approved by moderators? lmao

  10. So err, i guess we all had our fair share of the physics bug... So did I


  11. does anyone have an sii converter that works pls

  12. anyone else had the temptation of yeeting them selfs of that massive hill?

  13. does anyone have an sii converter that works pls

  14. does anyone have an sii converter that works pls

  15. TMP should partner up with IFMP ;)

  16. TMP should partner up with IFMP ;)

  17. TMP should partner up with IFMP ;)

  18. DYCW2cD.png



    Thanks for the convoy today, and thanks those who tuned in to stream ❤️ 

  19. which dev broke the forum





  20. tfw when you wanna do the patron but you won't get some of the rewards cos they yeeted you of discord :thisisfine:

  21. so hows tmp discord





  22. Does this count as a post? If so, this is my 100th post pog

  23. who broke the fourm



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