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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by Jamie69

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Jamie69


      The sentiment is there by using "could of had speed desync" it is a ridiculous comment to make, that doesn't need to be made. I also do not need people like you trying to stick up for him.

    3. Smalley


      I'm not sticking up for him. I just hate the fact that you came up with a false claim saying that Jon said you was cheating when he obviously didn't say it. Do you even know what desync means?

    4. Jamie69


      Yes, but is there any need for him to suggest that i'm using Desync? I clearly am not and the person has been banned. I do not need you to discuss this matter any further with you.

  1. Quick question need a yes or no answer, can you re enable a vga port on your pc that has been disabled by your graphics card?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jamie69


      Yeah I have a Intel I5 so no chance.

    3. The Imaginative Lad

      The Imaginative Lad

      Just try what Krav said. I don't know much about intel.

    4. Jamie69


      Will do bud, thanks for the help.

  2. When will ATSMP be enabled?

    1. Jamie69


      What's "Soon" do you think?

  3. No coincidence that the schools have gone back and the servers are now quieter haha

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RadioactivePotato
    3. Clashin_Jon


      N'aww I went back today

    4. Jamie69


      Lucky people, poor you CLashinjon rather you than me

  4. Is red light jumping a banable offence?

    1. Zirox


      It is against EU Traffic Laws, but its a hard one, probably only a kickable offence

    2. Jamie69


      Cheers for the replies lads

    3. Puncake


      It depends if people anyone is coming

  5. can someone tell me why nothing is recording my screen and is stuck on this? http://plays.tv/video/56815aa98cb9c707db

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Jamie69


      Okay buddy so say for example i copy and all my profiles and then paste them when it's reinstalled everything will still be there. really appreciate it mate :)

    3. Jamie69


      Fixed mate thanks

    4. MrHarv98
  6. Can someone send me the link for the recording software thread can't seem to find it, my fraps is broken

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MrHarv98


      Kravaty you noob, plays.tv isn't the best ok? here you go op

    3. Jamie69


      Haha thankyou buddy

    4. MrHarv98
  7. Would i need to add a refrigerator trailer noise on the suggestions here or on scs?

    1. MashedPotaton8r
    2. dyvik


      SCS. This is the forum for the ETS2MP Mod. It is not official or anything like that ;)

  8. Just got back from Florida, off to Spain next week! Can't be bad ey

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