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Veteran Driver V
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Mayukh

  1. finally congratssssss ❤️

  2. congrats u dabbing mega noob

  3. Congrats u massive nub on admin have fun with the panhammer pls dont ban me

    1. Robin.


      I give you pancat yos?


  4. congrats nub please no ban 

  5. congrats ill join you and your lazy manager soon

  6. if you reading this you are big nub

  7. happy 12th birthday kid have fun

  8. Congrats! ❤️ 

  9. Happy Birthday Pixi!! Noob Manager @Pixel.❤️ 

  10. Congrats David! ❤️ 

    1. davidd.


      Thank you so much, Mayukh! ❤️

  11. Happy birthday callum! Sad to see you go though.

    1. Callum.


      Boi ?

      Thanks mate, I'm gutted to have left as well, but IRL has become more demanding recently ?

  12. Congrats! ❤️ 

    1. Mr. Calvin

      Mr. Calvin

      Thank you very much Mayukh ❤️

  13. Happy Birthday! ❤️

  14. Congrats Ali! ❤️

    1. Ali.


      Thank you ❤️ 

  15. Congrats! ❤️ How much for pictures?

    1. Snorlax.


      Thank you! 

      5$ for foto yes

  16. Congrats PlebPadde ❤️

  17. Congrats PIXI ❤️

    1. Pixel.


      Thank you so much Muykh ❤️

  18. Congrats on Game Mod! :)

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