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Sgt Salt

Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by Sgt Salt

  1. Sgt Salt


    cand am ajuns la el acasa a zis ca a luat si el ban...
  2. Sgt Salt


    Un convoi de 50 de camioane...
  3. Sgt Salt


    Ce trebuie sa faci este sa deschizi Steamul si sa deschizi Ets2 cu Direct x dupa iesi din joc si incerci sa deschizi Tmp si vezi daca merge.
  4. Am facut eu un update la tabel la firmele care stiam eu ca numai exista/au fost fiintate. Sper sa va ajute daca mai vreti firme adaugate puteti sa imi lasati in privat firma
  5. If anyone is interested :D

    1. BubbleMuscles


      Will Join as a LTBD Member:D

  6. Hello all, I am the admin of the gaming community RomaniaElit and on the 26th of may we are organizing our gaming community turning 2 years old. For this event we are doing something different since we have more than 15 companies expected to participate companies will not all leave from one location but join the convoy as the convoy progressees through the cities. This will take place on a private server so if you want your vtc to come to this event please drop me a pm

    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Congrats on 2 years RomaniaElit :D

    2. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      congrats on 2 years :wub:

    3. Skorpion_TMP
  7. Looking to get my background pic changed a bit since its outdated. Anyone do them or good with photoshop?


    1. Hans'


      I will help you.

  8. HTML CSS JS (little) PHP PYTHON SHELL Learning Assembler & C++
  9. Looks interesting! Would like to try it out but I dont see the point of having another paint job for police unless users get other paintjobs too
  10. ok what just happend in the community awards :)) Thanks for all the votes for me and romaniaelit <3

  11. Anyone actually vote for me in the Yearly Nominations ? :D

    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

       I can't remember who I voted for :mellow::wacko::unsure: Good Luck tho :)

    2. Sgt Salt

      Sgt Salt

      We have to wait and see :D


    3. Truckerpilot
  12. Buna initiativa asta. Sper sa nu fie probleme cu chestia asta de "nivel"
  13. Am auzit chestii foarte bune despre firma asta merita sa o incercati
  14. If anyone is in a german czech french italien or swedish vtc please message me I want to invite the companies to a convoy


    1. LCodGaming X

      LCodGaming X

      I would but I speak only English And I write Spanish

    2. RapidFellow


      German VTCs... there are not many, but these are the three names which came to my mind:


      IGL (https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/54044-internationale-logistic-group-ilg-sucht-fahrer/)



      B&B Transport GmbH Siegerland (http://transport-gmbh-siegerland.chayns.net/aboutus)


      Dunno how to contact them since I'm not part of a VTC, but you could do a little research and I'm sure you will find someone to contact :) 

  15. Salut, sa te connectezi pe truckersmp.com si daca merge atunci pune email-ul si parola in notepad si dupa fa copy paste in joc.
  16. Congrattts My friend :D

  17. Salut, Acuma ca sunt moderator pe forum aici la romani vreau sa fac in asa fel incat sa fie curatenie si pace. Deci daca un topic nu are raspunsuri timp de o luna atunci o sa fie sters. Persoane care injura sau posteaza ce nu trebuie va fi sanctionate. Te rog sa aveti grija si sa va distrati in sectia asta
  18. Eu nu am auzit nimic despre unde o sa se bage remorcile dar cred ca va fi doar pe un server sau 2. Eu2 nu stiu ca acolo e haos total
  19. Finally schools out so I can chill out and get back to my admin tasks :) watch out on c to d road :P

    1. BlocKing


      Welcome again , good luck in your new assignment. :) 

    2. -*Andrei*-


      te dracu , ai fata tu de admin ? Signed Andrei*-RomaniaElit :))

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