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Snake [PL]

Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Snake [PL]

  1. Funny thing. When I start OBS and Single Player, game don't lag, but MP and OBS and I got 5fps. Any Ideas??


    1. Snake [PL]

      Snake [PL]

      and it start lagging in menu.

  2. Why I can't send report on person who is banned already? They can't add more days or something to this penalty??

  3. Idiots behind the wheels - YT


  4. Can someone check my reports?  I post it 2 days ago...

    1. elot360PL


      2 days? It's normal. 

      I would understand your problem if you wait more than 7 days.

    2. sko0923


      My report that I submitted 9 days ago still hasn't been reviewed, and I'm not complaining. Be patient, it doesn't matter if whoever gets banned now or 2 weeks later for the same amount of time. 

  5. New Video for reports...


  6. [ENG] Pole and Hungarian brothers be, good for fight and good for party.
    [PL] Polak, Węgier, dwa bratanki, i do szabli, i do szklanki...
    [HUN] Lengyel, magyar – két jó barát, együtt harcol, s issza borát...

    1. Prototype


      Beer is included?

    2. Snake [PL]

      Snake [PL]

      Yep If you need. I drink one now ;P

  7. [PL] Szukam osób, które chciałyby dołączyć do nowo powstającej firmy.
    Jesteś chętny? Wyślij pw. 
    W tytule daj: "Chce dołączyć do firmy."

  8. Vive La France ffs...


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Sysgen


      Clearly a lack of perception and defensive driving on your part, you probably never driven in real life. Courtesy or civility, call it whatever you want, is something that helps a lot also. Damn that speed, you are using the guard rails to help you go through the curve, ridiculous. :blink:

    3. lxl Semper lxl

      lxl Semper lxl

      oh no @Sysgen is about time for me to hide cya folks :) remember safe driving people

    4. DerAmpelmann


      Now to the serious thing... Why on Earth would you listen to that song with vocals? Instrumental is so much better. :D

  9. 666 Number of the beast ;)



  10. Only I got problem with this map?!
    I don't see any players on map...

    1. elot360PL


      Not only you.

    2. tfmpillow


      The map is down for everyone.

    3. WooQash


      It works again!

  11. It's able to have Bot drivers in company??
    I saw on video from 06.2016 paybacks from drivers.... I'm confused now :D 

  12. Newest ProMods without DLC Vive La France on newest ETS2 ver,, Possible??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Snake [PL]

      Snake [PL]

      I download 2.12 and it's incompatible

    3. WooQash
    4. Snake [PL]

      Snake [PL]

      IDk... I try again


  13. Best wishes in 2017 :)

  14. WTF? Sprawdzanie autentyczności gry? Dobrze widzę??

  15. Happy Bday MWlu nasz!


  16. IPB jako nowy silnik. Szkoda, że wszystko poszło w kibel

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