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Status Updates posted by Whitelodge

  1. Thank you all for my congratulation messages! There is so many so thought I'd do it this way ❤️ 

    1. HandOfClash


      Imagine being lazy :kappa:

      Congrats!!!! :woah:

  2. Can you explain why you are not good at Go Karting? 😮 

    1. ddavies12


      I'm an elite driver you see, so they limit my Kart when they see I'm with heavyweight drivers 

    2. Whitelodge


      I think your kart is naturally limited 🤣

    3. ddavies12


      Nah that's the driver 🤣

  3. It's the big day! Make sure you join us at 12:00 utc with first race at 13:00 at the TruckersMP Tournament. 

    1. Arcticwolfs


      Good Luck with the tournament.

    2. Fuaad


      Yes sir, getting ready for my first TruckersMP tournament event. ??

  4. I have a new forum banner (At last ?)! 


    Many thanks to:


    @issam0707 for taking the picture and some editting!

    @Piigsy for editting the photo adding text.

  5. Adameen foto?

  6. Happy birthday!

  7. Felt like I was on the C-D road going into Uni this morning. Traffic and people cutting each other up trying to force their way into traffic... :( 

  8. Happy birthday :D 

  9. Happy Birthday mwl4. Hope you have had a good day :) 

  10. Nice convoy tonight (Thank you ICE VTC) with the AHL gang again. @[AHL] Aek177 @Nathan7471 @B_Awkward [BE]

    ets2_20190321_201218_00.png ets2_20190321_201234_00.png


    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      nice photos and trucks :wub:

    2. Whitelodge
  11. A very enjoyable drive with the AHL crew with @henzsa joining us also. Was a pleasure to drive. One next week? @[AHL] Aek177 @Nathan7471 


  12. Another good night online with the AHL crew. @Nathan7471 @[AHL] Aek177


    1. ASIR


      Great pic & Good night!

    2. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      beautiful photo :wub:

  13. Why was the old topic locked @TruCkDr1V3r  when there is no new one?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Whitelodge


      I know that now. Thank you

    3. FirestarteR93


      Ye sure, if you did, you would've not post that status update troll-face-small.jpg

    4. Whitelodge
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