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Everything posted by HumaneWolf

  1. So, we're coming close to yet another new years (yes, it's still too early for fireworks), so let's have a look at some fun statistics from TruckersMP and the game servers. How many registered users do we have? Well, as of speaking (writing this) that number would be 1 790 245. But that is a huge number, and it's hard to get a feeling for how much it actually is, so for comparison, let's look at cities. According to Wikipedia's List of European Cities we now have more players than Budapest (Hungary) has citizens! Overtaking Vienna (Austria) next then? However, this raises another question. Just how many players are active? Well, we can find that as well! Over a 30 day period in October and November (21.10.17 - 21.11.17) we had 319 255 unique players logging in. That is equal to about half the population of Oslo, or just about 10 000 less than the entire population of Iceland! All of these, spread out across our (currently) 9 game servers and event servers. So, what has this community produced? Well, let's start right here on the forum, where 593 094 posts have been made by 30 818 forum users, and 136 134 users have registered on the forum in total since it was opened in October 2014. If your annual income (in USD) was equal to the total number of posts, that would mean you would be pretty wealthy. In fact, you'd be in the top 1% (and then some) in the United States of America, according to the Economic Policy Institute. Additionally, the member with most reputation on the forum (based on votes on their posts and statuses) as well as most content (posts + status updates), is Kravatie, with a reputation of 5538 and a content count of 8875. Let's not forget all of the things produced outside of our forums. Let's not forget the radio stations, hundreds of Virtual Trucking Companies, or the countless developers in the community who are all working to help make TruckersMP great, and all help in bringing new players to join our community, as well as our public Discord guild which has reached 5 400 members. Now, let's have a look at where our users are. In the 30 day period in October and November (21.10.17 - 21.11.17) the following % of active unique users logged in from: 79.78% (or 283 116) from Europe. 7% (or 24 826) from Asia. 6.65% (or 23 588) from South America. 5.86% (or 20 786) from North America. 0.52% (or 1 848) from Oceania. 0.2% (or 695) from Africa. But running a large community has it's issues. Throughout the lifetime of TruckersMP, users have submitted 315 717 web reports against other players. 185 225 reports have been accepted, and 125 879 have been rejected, the rest are awaiting a response. This has lead to 102 428 ban appeals (not counting appeals via forum, before website appeals were available) regarding 87 914 bans. 18 607 appeals have been accepted, 74 735 declined, and 8 193 have lead to bans being modified. Let's look at the in game chat. More specifically, how many times have certain words and phrases been mentioned in the October-November period (21.10.17 - 21.11.17)? "Car": 12 236 times. "Truck": 23 894 times (Looks like trucks are superior to cars). "Trailer": 12 986 times. "Discord": 28 954 times. "Skype": 4 967 times (Confirmed, Discord > Skype. At least in chat). "Calais": 15 296 times. "Duisburg": 9 684 times. "Noot": 413 times (we blame our staff member Penguin). Thanks to all the 1,7 million users who have made TruckersMP into what it is today. Thanks to everyone who has decided to contribute to the community. And thanks to all of our staff members, all 115 of you. The 18 moderators, and their leader. The 26 support staff, and their leader. The 11 media team members and their leader. The 43 in game admins, 5 trial admins, and their 6 leaders. And last but not least, the 6 community managers, 2 project managers, and 6 developers. All of them spend their free time working hard, so that TruckersMP can continue to exist. If you're interested in seeing more statistics, let us know. You can also come with ideas for other stats to show. Front page image by HerrSwizz. View post on homepage
  2. The general staff rule is that if the users can't see it normally, you can not show it to users. This is because showing those pages can share info about users which should not be published, such as emails, information about who reported who, appeal content, and more. It's very unfortunate if we display such info, because it would be users private info being shown, and because it could lead to bullying among users and such, following bans and reports. In addition to that you have the general privacy concerns, and the fact that we need to be able to plan or do things within the team without the public knowing before we are ready for them to know.
  3. The Web Developer and Developer ranks on the forum have been combined. All developers will work on the same parts of the TruckersMP project as before. This is because the distinction only existed on the forum, and because it was inaccurate, as web developers worked on other non-web projects as well.
  4. To clarify, Some of the things we did on the event server is only allowed on EU4, as it would be reckless.

    1. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      Additionally, if I may add, today's event took place in a event server hosted specifically for it and only for TMP staff.

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      to share clips of it or not to share


    3. JarFull


      You would say that now......

  5. Feel free to read that law: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1998/29/section/14. We do also not operate with any sensitive information. Besides, TruckersMP follow EU and international laws that apply to us. The jurisdiction of the mentioned law is only within the UK, as mentioned here: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1998/29/section/15
  6. And some more badge tweaks.

    1. Positivetrucking168


      Yay, the Wolf is back with some more website updates, nice to see you talk about it. Didn't even know you did it :P

  7. There, I gave you some new differences to spot on the forum :P

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      Meanwhile, there is someone somewhere that must be quite enraged.


  8. Wrong. Active means the player was NOT unbanned before the ban expired. If it says it is not active, then teh player was unbanned early. The ban can be active even if it has expired.
  9. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-performance/programs-crash-error-fault-module-kernelbasedll/9fe5d2e7-79d0-42c1-b8dc-51ed8d70f749?auth=1
  10. You will need to look at connecting to REST api's in PHP (or another language), and you will need to look into processing json in that language.
  11. Psst. This isn't a new rank, but we've kept it a bit private to begin with. It was actually created a good while before I changed rank from VPM to WebDev. Now, however, it's announced, and they can assume more public duties. Good luck with your continued work, all IGA leaders ^^
  12. It's not in the system yet. The recruitment system shows recruitments that are made on our website, it is not related to the forum.
  13. Management can create recruitment forms and recruitments, and when recruitment is open users can apply for positions through this system, on https://truckersmp.com/recruitment.
  14. Adding a relevant link here: https://www.hacksplaining.com/ It has a bunch of basic, but good info on various kinds of normal exploits.
  15. Pretty simple answers: How to prevent XSS: You escape any input before showing it. In the event of a DDOS: We have cloudflare protection. Should someone direct a ddos at our servers directly we either have multiple servers or can replace them, generally. When it comes to the HTTPS rollout, because we have a bunch of "moving parts" in our system (the game servers, game client, website, forum, load balancing, other systems) it got more complicated than rolling it out on some random website, however, it was successful by testing it beforehand. This is a question better suited for @Tuxy Fluffyclaws though, since he did a bunch of the work, and I hadn't joined the webdev team yet at that time. Would also like to point out that this is a general development discussion forum category, not specifically a place to ask us questions, and it doesn't have to be specifically related to TruckersMP.
  16. This is a few months old, but still answers some of the questions: I could probably answer some of the other questions, but it's best left to a developer, since they know the mod itself and the game servers better than I do.
  17. Ban expiration times are given in UTC, not your local timezone.
  18. Hex (or more accurarely hexadecimal) is a way to write/say the values of bits more easily (for humans). Those values are not color codes (although the hex color codes do use hex notation). See https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexadecimal
  19. This should have been fixed a little while ago.
  20. Red dots are deleted bans, so only visible to staff and the user itself.
  21. New: WEB-143 - Show a warning if the user they try to report has a low ID and block if they are staff. New: WEB-107 - Added report scoring, admins will now score positive or negatively on the quality of a report, this will grant or revoke points from users and limit how many reports a user may open at any one point. See this article. New: WEB-120 - Limit appeals to 3 per ban. Fixed: WEB-153 - Fixed so users should be able to see their entire ban history. Fixed: WEB-117 - Added Media Team Lead to team page. Fixed: WEB-151 – Fixed twitch link. Fixed: Updated colored ban dot-indicators to correctly reflect age and tweaked their colors. v2.2.0.1: Fixed wrong user receiving the report score.
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