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Everything posted by FirestarteR93

  1. btw just a small reminder (because I had to hide couple of replies)
  2. And because Penguin's mod was reported as not a solution, so here is an alternative: Start the launcher Press F1 (this deletes all MP files) re-download MP
  3. ^ There are some ways to improve the performance by trading graphics quality: Disable flags and cab. accessories from MP's options (so trucks will be rendered faster) Lower some of your graphics (source) Switch to out-of-cab cameras (because the mirrors and the interior take away some FPS)
  4. ^ Marked Ilhar's post as best answer + moved topic to Help>Solved
  5. Topic closed due to inactivity
  6. Topic closed due to inactivity (and moved to Help>Unsolved)
  7. Nope, it expires in ~30 mins? (are you sure your time zone settings on the site are correct?)
  8. ^ Also there is already a speed limiter on EU1 (and no cars)
  9. AKA all of the bans which are over 1 year old are ignored
  10. ^People usually do it just for the looks: But anyway, lets stick a bit more on-topic, please
  11. ^there's also a mod which forces the game to use only that trailer for jobs.
  12. That happened only to the blue trailer; I think the rest of the trailers are replaced by this trailer
  13. Are you sure that g-force_economy_reset is set back to 0, otherwise it keeps resetting every time when you start the game (and teleports you to garage)
  14. ^If i remember correctly only the big doll is not synchronized yet (because there's no similar part to replace it for people who don't have that DLC, so its coding is probably more complicated)
  15. ^Я не совсем уверен, но я думаю, что код в этой версии был изменен много и MP считает, что это совершенно другая версия. Исправление было выпущено:
  16. I tried to, but MP still didn't work with 1.26's beta
  17. ^мини-обновление было выпущено для ETS и бета-версии не работают, я надеюсь, что МП будет обновлен в ближайшее время
  18. ^It is not supported, because there is no trailer (from the non-DLC ones) in the game which is big enough to replace Schwarzmuller for people who don't have that DLC, so they will start to sink, jump and stutter around*, so going around this problem is difficult. That's what happens in e.g. SAMP when you use a mod with different collision box than the one of the game's original model - people see you sinking or glitching around (edit to prevent potential misunderstanding: I used to play on SAMP servers and the same issue occurs, but there weren't any DLCs, while here the content is from a DLC....)
  19. Я думаю, что это то, что происходит:: когда администратор принимает репорт, сайт автоматически добавляет еще 1 бан на профиле пользователя. Они все еще добавить ваши доказательства и увеличить наказание пользователя даже если репорт был отклонен.
  20. When you are driving in a busy area and you get in a traffic jam:



  21. @Trucking Gekco I believe that the ban appeals and in-game have higher priority than reports (because when you send a report, the perpetrator can't get away as long as there is sufficient evidence and correct IDs)
  22. Most likely the admin who banned you is not online at the moment or he has more appeals queued to deal with before he can handle yours (Also IIRC, the appeal will be automatically sent to Project Managers if there is no response from the admin for certain amount of time)
  23. Подобные проблемы начались для меня с момента выхода "Vive La France" - игра не работает так гладко, как раньше. Мне даже пришлось понизить мои графические настройки, так что я могу играть и не беспокоиться, что я буду врезаться в других игроков из-за плохой производительности игры.
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