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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by Creatured

  1. http://thebest404pageever.com/swf/Install_archlinux.swf so true archlinux is a royal pain in the ...........
    1. MrHarv98
    2. HeyI'mAmethyst


      I thought I had a virus for a second there...

  2. private server are not possible and wont be and tbh why do you want a private server as if the roads arent clear enough yet
  3. easy kill some processes like skype and torrenting software
  4. hmm devilish clown i would say yes
    1. Creatured


      and as a FYI this is not edited but some sounds are explosions and some are caused by the wind but the mystery is still unknown

    2. Creatured


      some are fake i just saw one with the trolololol song innit xD

  5. this will be done in the future (i think)
  6. i would like to remeber ETS2C.com isnt in any way affiliated with ETS2MP
  7. ^thats large scale when speaking small Convoys you can just convoy aslong as you obey the rules
  8. i think i have spent more hours dwelling around the forums then ingame

    1. Beefy32659_YT


      Same more on the forum than playing

    2. Beefy32659_YT


      /\ since most players are trolls

    3. FirestarteR93


      And i've spent more ingame than here

  9. ugh i hate my laptop

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Creatured



      i've got dreamspark

    3. fyzz08


      get rufus - free and does your job

    4. Creatured


      nah i just create them manually

  10. el barto will look at it but it may take time or else the PM and or Vice-PM will look at it
  11. i need a new mic i might try the AT2020 which kat recommended to me ^-^

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Creatured


      i bet they do

    3. Creatured


      i bet "Signalex"makes em

    4. _J-M


      I like my Corsair wireless headset :D

  12. hmm i either get a Nokia 640Xl or a One+2

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Scar
    3. Creatured



    4. Adde_


      This is why you should get a Nokia and not an iPhone: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BndpmeiCcAEJV_t.jpg xD

  13. Creatured


    record and report on the site makes our lives easier
  14. I wonder who will be selected for English Support

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. konfig0


      You can try to apply, when we want someone below 17 we'll ask =)

    3. [VIVA] Savage Frog

      [VIVA] Savage Frog

      ^^ Applied :) The worst that can happen is rejection so why not :D

    4. MrHarv98


      Nah, Ima just be a driver and enjoy trucking while ya'll do the hard work :D

  15. we dont need more iga (accepted for some cases) but what we really need is that the kids who just bought ets2 and signed up read the darn Rules
  16. Krashnz if you read this can you please add my stream thingy to your site ;)

  17. i should chuck this 750ti and throw in some 960's and SLI them but ill need a new bloody PSU

    1. Robi47


      u have a 750ti?

  18. that doesnt matter every truck in ets2mp can achieve 110 km/h
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