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Veteran Driver VII
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About jordanwilliams1

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  • Gender
  • Location
    United Kingdom, Wales
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Swansea

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  1. So, I'm banned for ddosing when i haven't ddos anyone or any servers. I Was told they have proof, Please provide me the proof of me ddosing your servers... I'm a normal player which just wants to play online with my friends.... and yes i made a ban appeal and it got rejected becaus they had proof of some random person saying something about ddosing.... SOUNDS LIKE GOOD PROOF TO ME! now, can i maybe get unbanned so i can play with my friends?
  2. So, I'm banned for ddosing when i haven't ddos anyone or any servers. I Was told they have proof, Please provide me the proof of me ddosing your servers... I'm a normal player which just wants to play online with my friends....
  3. Heres a server that might go well with the CCTV cameras, https://www.balticservers.com/custom-servers/e5-1650v2?gpu_cards=GeForce GTX750Ti 2GB GDDR5 (Monthly fee)&

  4. I Know a small data center which MAY put something together, What specs are you looking for on a server and what price range Per /month | /year
  5. Okay so i someone how found this steam: http://www.twitch.tv/kat_pw This stream allows people to watch other people on the map. I Think it would be a great idea if you could set some cameras up and add them to the site, I'm not sure how many donations you get from people but if you get enough you could maybe buy some dedicated servers / vps and setup some cameras on them. Again, Depending on how much you get depends on how many cameras you can setup. Sounds good to me but i dont have the money
  6. Hi, I Just signed up for the VTC Panel and i dont get it, Can you make money from it? I really dont get it, Can someone explain to me what its for? Is it just for roll playing with no gain?
  7. So in-game i've seen people with tags next to there name like, Police, Recording, etc, etc. How do i do this ?
  8. Will american truck Simlautor have Multiplayer, I Want to make my own server you see with map mods

    1. RootKiller


      I don't think we will have official multiplayer mode at day 0. ;-)

  9. Well that's why i think they should release there software, Or allow people to rent servers from them and just have access to upload mods to there own server (Like minecraft server hosts)
  10. Hi, So i really want to play some off road maps with my friends but i can't. Why not make another server that has a bunch of new roads / city's in it? I Know its a lot of work to do but it will be sooo good. Its not inpssobile to do, It will just take time. I'm sure alot of people would also play on the server if it had a new roads / citys, Could even make it a premium server and charge $5/month to get on it? Heck, I Would pay $5/month to play on new roads, (If you do take this idea you will have to make it auto download the mods for other uesrs if they connect to the server) I Was really looking into the off road mods, They look epic. Well i wound't be suppricsed if this is recjected due to the time and effort that is required to do this :/ but its still a good idea and worth a try, You could even just add a tiny little road in between Calasis and dover, Here's a mod that dose it http://ets2downloads.com/maps/bridge-from-calais-to-dover I Think it would be a good idea to do a poll on the main website and not just reject it, But its up to you
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