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  1. i disagree i don't think it needs a huge change like that just adding more space to the fuel station would have a huge impact and having the two sides 1 carry on straight and the other turn left with both having just enough space for one truck at a time to exit instead of 2 or 3 trying to turn left at the same time
  2. It is a bit rough but I think this would help a lot https://gyazo.com/c7d11a5eadd024d268fcd2c7d4212f44
  3. would also be good if you could add any evidence to show it was not your fault before you got banned
  4. would be much better than were it is right now but it doesn't have to be there move it anywhere
  5. maybe moving the service could help a little like this
  6. instead of longer bans after the normal ban is up ban them from using the car for maybe a week or 2 so they can play just not in the cars
  7. thanks i was able to get it working by getting all updated files from a friend but i will keep a copy of the old launcher in case it breaks again
  8. Thank you unfortunately it still gives me the error
  9. Every Time I Click The Download It Gets Near The End And Gives Me A Download Error. Does Anyone Know A Fix I Have Reinstalled Both Game And Launcher I Even Ran It As Administrator https://gyazo.com/942b76ba7b3a8a9a61d4b4b4ef3a1ad0
  10. I highly disagree the new cd road they added took away what most people enjoy about the road only 2 things really need to happen to sort out the long traffic jams 1: make 2 custom fuel stations with a larger capacity 2:adjust the train crossing times they did the same thing to the Rotterdam/Brussels intersection on the cd road
  11. is it ok to ask you about rule 1.7 i need help understanding something 

    1. Guest


      You can try to use Feedback System. (https://truckersmp.com/feedback/create)

      Make sure you choose the correct team-related category.

    2. ArcticYuki
    3. DatSpeed


      Hey @ArcticYuki,

      As like ScanvaUK said, you should create a Feedback Ticket regarding this issue.


      If you want to learn more about feedback system, please click here.

      Since this subject isn't compatible for Status Updates, I'll go ahead and lock this one.


      You're more than welcome to send me a private message if you have any questions/doubts.


      Kind regards,


      TruckersMP Game Moderator + Community Moderator


  12. ArcticYuki


    does anyone else have an issue with stations playing for 2 seconds and then stopping
  13. thanks for the replies turns out copy and paste dose not work now for some reason if i remove and add a number back its works
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