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 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by Andy1411

  1. Was es nicht alles so gibt. Seit 2014 gibt es diesen Channel und ich finde ihn erst jetzt?
  2. Wie oben bereits beschrieben, würde ich einmal die Daten vom Spiel auf Fehler überprüfen lassen. Sollte dabei nichts nennenswertes herauskommen, würde ich ein einmal ein neues Profil in ETS2 anlegen und dieses Laden. So kann man feststellen, ob das Problem am Spiel selbst oder nur an deinem Profile liegt. Hast du aktuell Mods aktiv oder sonstige modifizierte Inhalte wie Save Editings oder ähnliches?
  3. If everything is as intended, your description is correct. But there may be the issue, that you cause damage to other players, if the ghost mode expires, while you are in other players trucks/ trailer and drive forward. While leaving their textures it may happen you push them backwards pretty hard and cause some serious damage. Or it may happen, that you reload on an empty spot, your ghost mode expires and the timing for the driver behind you is that unlucky he reaches you in that exact moment. He believed, that he could pass through you while in ghostmode but he punshes right into you. This happened to me two times. Pretty unlucky.
  4. I got your point. More light *should* bring more security on the d-c route, but I'd prefere it the way it is now, because I enjoy it pretty much to drive in the darkness. You can see the lights and all the "beaty" of the light effects the players built on their trucks. During daytime thats not possible and if there'd be more light sources, the effect gets reduced.
  5. I use them all the time. Dont judge me, but it gives me a good feeling, every time is use it. I'd prefere it, if more players would use them more often. Greetings
  6. I'd love to see the upper part of the scandinavian lands as a map expansion. the scandinavian DLC is in my oppinion the best one so far.
  7. I can understand that situations like that are pretty frustrating for everyone. But there are easy solutions for problems like that. If I run into situations like that and I dont want to wait for some reaction from staff side, I just type /disconnect in the chat, pass the blockade, park in a save spot and restart the game to reconnect. Obviously thats wont help against trolls like you can see in the picture you posted. But it's pretty hard to force GMs of any staff in generell to be Online at specific/fixed times. As already mentioned everyone playing the game got their own problems and stuff going on in rl and they wont be abled to be online 24/7. Altough the GMs are in different timezones, it's still hard to provide that at least one is available. The night times especialy between Monday and Friday is pretty hard to cover, because normal working ppl should sleep to be active at the actualy only realy important thing here: Real Life The argument that "They've chosen the role and should've known how much work it is" is pretty weak in my opinion. Always remember, that you should priority your stuff going on in rl ALWAYS before the virtual world. A little bit more respect to the situation would be nice in my opinion. Maybe there should be some changes in the way, how you're abled to join the server. Someone got the idea, that there should be a driving test or something like that to prevent trolls from being that effective to create new accounts and come back again right after they got banned. Maybe we can collect some ideas how to prevent trolls just below. Greetings
  8. In my oppinion its not the best idea. Green isnt the best color cause it would be pretty hard to see. White is just the perfect color, because it's neutral and good to see in most situations. I thinks its unnecessary to change anything about the colors in chat. Staff should be good to see and all the "normal" players like us should be in a neutral color like it it right now. And the argument, that everyone should be abled to change the color in chat like they want is literally the worst idea. I dont want to see the chat in all red, because that's whats gonna happen. One thing I'd agree is that players can change the Default Color of the chat to the way they prefere it the most like the pins of other players/ friends/ etc.
  9. While playing games like League of Legends with my more or less toxic friends I used to listen to some guitar covers about well known songs to prevent to get toxic as well. While playing ETS2 I actualy dont listen to music at all because I prefere to watch some videos about... whatever... on my second screen. If there are no interesting videos I listen to my "literally everything" playlist on Spotify which includes everything from Pop, Rock, EDM to just Chill Music.
  10. I prefere Scania, because the interiour in all Volvo trucks looks pretty old. I prefere some modern looking interiour like in the Scania S. Not asked, but I actually like the new MAN a lot, BUT there is one essencial thing, that kinda destroys the truck for me: The pretty small gas tank and the fact, that SCS didnt fix the issue with the daytime running lights and the turning signal. It looks pretty awful to me. I thought they would've fixed it, but nope, still there. Greetings
  11. Cause of my Nvidia GPU I got Geforece Experience and it is capturing everything I do 24/7 but only saves it, when I press my button on the stream deck. Then it saves the last (for me) 30 seconds that happened.
  12. At least one truck of every brand. If there is a new version availible like the new MAN I get them as well. And the Skoda, Mercedes and Touring Bus.
  13. The Convoy was just amazing. Good preperation and clear commands from the Team members to "taim" all the 1000+ truckers to build an insane convoy. Awesome!
  14. Black base with some translucent blue or red effect or some finished paintjobs like chrismas ones.
  15. Good morning, I was interested in simulation games pretty early and one day I was walking through the local electronic store and found a game with a pretty interesting topic. It was Euro truck Simulator (1). So I started playing it a lot when I got my first computer with 9 years old. I loved that game so much and I beleave thats one reason why I like it that much to drive around in my car in real. As time passed I watched lots of Youtuber playing the game as well and one day he announced, that Euro truck Simulator 2 will be released for "public" in the next week. He was playing an early version and it was stunning for me. So the next 7 days were pretty stressful cause it was literally pain to wait for the new game. The release day finally arrived and the day in school never felt that long. Straight after school I drove to the same electronic store from previous to buy the game. Oh boy, that was just an awesome feeling to finally start up the game for the first time. It only took me some weeks to form the idea about buying a steering wheel and some pedals just for ets2. So I did. Same store, use my hard saved money to but a wheel and some pedals. Best move EVER. Greetings Andy
  16. I turned it on in all situations to test it out. But for me it feels like it isnt working that well in TMP. I played for 2 hours today and only witnessed it once, that the Emergency breaking "kicked in". In every other situation I had to break as usual. Maybe the trigger area is pretty close, but I dont want to try it out and damage others while doing so. I guess I need more time for further investigation. Greetings
  17. Android for private use and iOS at work
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