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Lang Yi

 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by Lang Yi

  1. 无论如何,我认为这辆车非常好 AITO Wen Jie M9 0-100 km/h 4.3 Level 3 autonomous driving system Top speed:200 Dual-motor four-wheel drive Mileage 8766
  2. 这头像,能上传啊🤨

  3. Happy birthday    Panda !!

  4. 退休愉快骑士。适当的放松也是不错的选择

  5. 生日快乐Be Lo

  6. Hello, Game Review Department, can you add the ban duration to the report details page in the future? Currently it only shows that the user has been banned! However, I am not sure about the ban duration of the reported person. Is it permanent or for 2 weeks? This is not very user-friendly for players who use online storage to report. We need to delete some videos appropriately
  7. Great update, I can't wait to play it
  8. Congratulations to the pandas. You got your wish

    1. .Takahirø.


      Thank you. But where are they? :HaulieLove::HaulieSus:

    2. Lang Yi

      Lang Yi

      I added an extra character lol

  9. 恭喜我老表升为路面交警

    1. Bangshuai6


      谢谢! :HaulieLove:

  10. You can set a system command. When running a red light, the truck multimedia will have a prompt to run the red light. Perhaps this feature can be used to kick out players who violate the rules. But this feature can only be used in densely populated areas.
  11. So I said that if this suggestion is adopted, the accuracy and sense of responsibility of the report will be strengthened. Prevent online reporting of abusive behavior. Opening the line is a warning to prevent the reported person from committing a crime, and this function serves as a warning. Remind him of violating the rules For players who have been promoted multiple times by the online reporting system, the cooldown time for account login can be increased to allow online staff sufficient time for review
  12. 建议名称:It has been reported several times in this match. will be kicked out of the server. 建议说明:When using online reporting in the game, if the whistleblower is already in pending moderation, they will be kicked out of the server when the number of reports reaches the set limit. If this recommendation is adopted, I propose that the enhancement of the accuracy and accountability of online reporting include two points Any example images: not 为什么要添加它If I am the perpetrator and cause an accident in a populated area, there must be a certain number of players who report it online using TAB, and when a certain number is reached, the person who has been reported multiple times will be kicked out of the server. Adding this feature slows down areas where game crews aren't on site and is a way to maintain road safety.
  13. RMI发来贺电:恭喜卢卡斯升为团队负责人

  14. 老表祝你生日快乐

  15. 我会因为这个问题被禁止吗
  16. 恭喜邦帅升为罚单审核员


    Congratulations to Bang Shuai on his promotion to ticket auditor

  17. 中国RMI团队发来贺电,恭喜灵魂骑士升为路面交警

  18. 生日快乐

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