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Everything posted by richiethomasss

  1. You can use the same profile ^~^ Just make sure that any Garage that says N/A, that you do not use these in the meantime, as these are your ProMods garages, and their data is still stored!
  2. недавнее обновление сделало версию игры, которую нельзя понизить до 1.50. Новый электрический грузовик был добавлен в игру, к сожалению, нам осталось дождаться обновления от truckersmp. об этом будет сообщено по социальным каналам, когда это будет сделано. Новое обновление грузовика и 1.50 - это два разных обновления. Надеюсь, это поможет
  3. SCS ARE SPOILING US WITH NEW CONTENT Tonight, SCS released the Renault E-Tech T, and let's face it, once TMP Support is about, we will see nothing but the new truck for the next month. I am of the understanding that this truck is not officially ownable, however with mods, and i'm sure a bit of save-editing, the truck will become a regular sight on the roads. So, let's see if we can use this opportunity to discuss this. This truck adds a whole new mechanic to the game in the form of EV's, and I feel like this opens up doors to future possibilities, modding, and much more. Firstly, is the truck good? What's its up and downsides? I'm usually quite against Renault because eww french, but maybe this is promising? What does this allow for modding? Are going to be seeing more EV Truck brands such as "Nikola" be modded into the game? Will we see a more common theme of EV Charging stations added throughout the map? How many? Where? Old Places? Food for thought.
  4. Well well well. It's that time again for me to make a post! With today being the release of TruckersMP's 1.50 compatibility with ATS, I want to hear from you. Some of you will have not been on this game version at all (like me), until the TMP update, and a further number of you will be waiting for ProMods to become updated in the coming days/weeks. However, I am interested to know, what do you think about update 1.50? I know the mainly populated place on ATS was Vegas, and that is incredibly close to the nearby areas that have had a rework within the Western side of California, in this most recent update! There is a nearby national park that is no longer a secret road too! How does it look? Where is popular? What's your opinions? It would be great to see what people think about the new changes.
  5. That would be because this is the Euro Truck Simulator 2 category and i forgot to make a post in the ATS one. Hold my beer.
  6. Well well well. It's that time again for me to make a post! With today being the release of TruckersMP's 1.50 compatibility with ETS2, I want to hear from you. Some of you will have not been on this game version at all (like me), until the TMP update, and a further number of you will be waiting for ProMods to become updated in the coming days/weeks. However, I am interested to know, what do you think about update 1.50? I know a lot of holland-style truck clubs liked to meet in Dusseldorf, is this still going to be the case with changes? Is Duisborg better or worse? What does Switzerland look like now? Where is popular? What's your opinions? Would be great to see what people think about the new changes
  7. It's an interesting thought. SCS take a lot of time to rework outdated states, and in some cases towns/cities/countries in ETS2. It would be interesting to see a timescale as to how much of the USA they aim to cover whilst still updating consistently places that need updates, for example, the recent Western California Rework - Hopefully it wouldnt take them too long, but I would not be shocked if we were waiting for about another 5 or so years to be anywhere near. Personally, i'm out here waiting for NYC, and Miami will be an interesting one - I dont know enough about America to name the statesthat these places are in, but given how other AAA Game titles have made these so in-depth, it would be nice to see what SCS do with them..
  8. happy birthday, stinker!

    1. Gullbrann


      Thanks boss! ❤️


  9. There is more to see here! ..with thanks to the media team for accepting this topic, let's fill you in on some of the screenies that you've missed from me --- and it wouldn't be a richie screenshot if i didnt take a modded trip into the middle east for a bit of fun with this sandstorm (cleaning the truck after a sandstorm is hard work, but it's worth the pics). <333
  10. I've seen other people doing this so I wanna make my own <3333 If you like screenshots, liveries, or maybe the odd graphic or two for TMP/ETS2/VTC's maybe I'll slide it here. You like it? You don't like it? I wanna know what you think of my work!
  11. I've been working my backside off to try and add Monaco to the ProMods map but thats taking timeeeeeee. Away from that, I'd love to see something done in the UK, something to integrate other games more. Maybe a peek at something like fallout bobbleheads would have been great for the fallout series etc.
  12. Thank you all for the kind words <3333

  13. Topic archived due to inactivity.
  14. i'm here again, still winning btw.
  15. happy date of exiting the womb. i hope you have a colloquial birthday.

    1. Stones8000


      thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :HaulieLove:

    2. richiethomasss


      no youuuuu

  16. Thats the art of some VTC's - They dont all require that! I can only at least speak for my VTC, that we dont require job logging, activity requirements or even a uniform (unless you are at a convoy)! Its an art that a couple VTCs offer here and there, and I think it makes for great leway to just be yourself and have fun!
  17. I mean, i've quite literally seen you just sat on the pavement, so I guess you could say you dont have a location at all xD Change that then! <3333 Join a VTC, come hither and enjoy our time together!
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