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About JustGreg

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  • World Of Trucks

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  3. Congrats 🙂 

  4. Congrats :HaulieLove: ,Deserved 😄

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  8. Congrats!

  9. This would be nice but they'd have to think about re-doing garages to fit in the spaces for the trailors. Nice idea!
  10. Hmm.. I think it started of as a phase? Had a group of friends who told me to get it. That was 6 years ago. Think i was 12 or 13? It just stuck with me. I knew I could just come back home, and relax with a drive without a worry.
  11. Love the list! That licenses part would be so cool! But I'd think that it'd only work great on the drivers you hire, rather than the player since I paid for a game to drive Yea that's a thought about box trucks and promods. Think they hired a promods mapper on their team a while back. Honestly I'd love it if they interacted a bit more with the modding community. Yea I think EVERYONE want's something done with the UK. Weird that they never acknoleged this before? (Unless they did, I don't know) Yes a real tachograph system! Paper work would be nice but i'd hate to keep doing it over and over.
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