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Problem with Skoda fuel




i have a problem with my car,

when I take my car I have 360 liters, From there on, everything is fine. but I can only drive 360 kilometers = 1 liters by km.

This is since the update, even if I go to the menu and I come back into play, it doesn't change anything. 

Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/CW33VH0

how can I fix this problem?


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10 answers to this question

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17 minutes ago, LE GAMER 64 said:

If I understand correctly, it's a bug ?

If yes, will it be solved soon? 

Hello again @LE GAMER 64 ,


By turning Realistic Fuel Consumption on you should get around 1000km with a full fuel tank. Not sure if it's really a "bug" it might just be a change to the Skoda's features. I'm sure if it was a "bug" it would have been fixed already or a hotfix would have been released.


I hope this answers your question


Kind regards,



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14 minutes ago, LE GAMER 64 said:

If I understand correctly, it's a bug ?

If yes, will it be solved soon? 



actually this should be fixed? I had this at the first 1.32 update (TMP Update), then they did a small patch, probably a hotfix. After this litte patch, it was fixed for me. Could you make a screenshot of your gameplay settings, please?

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Hello @LE GAMER 64,


Many great answers have been given, please let us know if you're issue is still there or if it has been resolved/answered :) 


We await your reply!

Kind regards,


TruckersMP Senior Support Manager


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remember we were staring up to those peaks on the horizon +x


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24 minutes ago, LE GAMER 64 said:

Now the topic can some locked.




Requested to close this topic.
Thanks for your participation ! :) 




//Locked & moved to solved

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