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On ‎30‎.‎06‎.‎2017 at 4:03 PM, mwl4 said:

* New report system implements demo system. This means that every players movements are recorded for 2 minutes in back (even if player leaves, the movements are still saved).


So whenever I report a player using the ingame report system, both our movements of the preceded 2 minutes will be included in the report as a prove?

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i'm using logitech G27 racing wheel
en your Downshift Engine Braking is not working
can you please change your physics file to dis 

cabin_mass:                 80.0
wheel_mass:                 50.0

thrust_characteristic_viscosity_factor:        3.0
wheel_viscosity_factor:                0.5
clutch_viscosity_factor:            0.5
clutch_connected_viscosity_factor:        11.0
manual_clutch_connected_viscosity_factor:    11.0
torque_converter_locked_viscosity_factor:    11.0

the Downshift Engine Braking wil work

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10 hours ago, Fahrer 2222 said:

Hello mcfreeman,


In multiplayer the whole server has the same server time, its night for everyone on the same time etc. To teleport to a repair center will in the Singel Player take 1 houer for example. In singelplayer mode the game could just jump 1 hour in the future, but in multiplayer it isnt so easy, cause everyone should have the same in-gametime and not everyone is teleporting to the service station at the same time.


So my tips is to wait a little bit so the game could load correctly. If this isnt helping, you also could post a post on the help section from the forum.




A question to the developers: Can maybe someone of the media team (or something like that) make a video on maybe YouTube, where you could show how the system works. If you aren't a admin, many wouldn't see how it works, and many is complaining about the system (the older one). So it would be nice if you maybe maked a video to show how it works so more people could understand that something is happening if you are sending in a report. 


Please watch this video. A Turkish ingame admin examines new reporting system.



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Admins are probably flooded with reports which is why I'm always seeing "no action has been taken etc." after 10 minutes. Great idea for a feature, not enough resource for a successful implementation. Admins would literally have to sit behind the report system and assess every one of them in under 10 minutes for this to be "troll proof".

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Very good job, but I wanted to give a suggestion.
They could remove Scout cars from normal players and keep them for Staff only, so the player who wants to have it would have to be approved by the truckersmp staff, kind of need to participate in some virtual company (these would have to make a kind I can see that the game is losing its meaning because of every 10 vehicles that pass through you in the game, 2 is the Scout, not to mention that no one outside the staff can drive it Slow, always someone hits other players, my case is one, I'm tired of giving a player report with Scout, it's rare to give in other players with the trucks (which is the goal of the game, which is a truck simulator and Life of a trucker), I hope the staff will review this issue of the free scout for whomever they want, as it is more of a hindrance than help.





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On 2017. 06. 30. at 4:03 PM, mwl4 said:


New version has been released.


  • New report system *
  • Added encountered players in scoreboard (last 1 minute)


* New report system implements demo system. This means that every players movements are recorded for 2 minutes in back (even if player leaves, the movements are still saved).
While creating a report the game server creates a demo using stored movements (also other data is processed) and saves them in the report for certain time.

From this moment consider using report system in game rather than web reports. 

Reported 2 agressive guy a day before.. still not claimed....


Is this right?

ledgeri.png/@ twitch ( Where i am streaming my every MULTI MOMENT!)             EU #2

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3 hours ago, andryus007 said:

Very good job, but I wanted to give a suggestion.
They could remove Scout cars from normal players and keep them for Staff only, so the player who wants to have it would have to be approved by the truckersmp staff, kind of need to participate in some virtual company (these would have to make a kind I can see that the game is losing its meaning because of every 10 vehicles that pass through you in the game, 2 is the Scout, not to mention that no one outside the staff can drive it Slow, always someone hits other players, my case is one, I'm tired of giving a player report with Scout, it's rare to give in other players with the trucks (which is the goal of the game, which is a truck simulator and Life of a trucker), I hope the staff will review this issue of the free scout for whomever they want, as it is more of a hindrance than help.


Hello, as I said in your Topic about this, TruckersMP has been developing this for years and they will not delete such a project.


Greetings :)




Very good the Work that the Team has been developing, I hope that new things come :D ;)

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17 minutes ago, KhaosHammer_BF said:

^ @Mircea_CeL_BatraN


If you report someone and leave the game shorty after that, your report will remain active until an IGA claim it or until the system deletes it. (after 10min reports are deleted)

So still worth using the external, no time-independent option against the most rudest (?) drivers...

ledgeri.png/@ twitch ( Where i am streaming my every MULTI MOMENT!)             EU #2

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