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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Converse

  • Birthday 08/12/1996

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Bosnia & Herzegovina
  • Interests
    Driving (Y)
  • Preferred Trucks
  • Known languages
    Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, English

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  1. Glad the team worked hard during these hot days. Thank you for the update.
  2. Whoa. Those are some great news!
  3. People would make youtube videos, websites, heck - even guides on how to cheat and/or pass this exam so what's the point?
  4. This actually a great suggestion. Being able to get "Connection Established!" in non-collision zones would fix a lot of issues these days definitely.
  5. So many people complaining about cars yet nobody is suggesting that we remove the cars completely. Your suggestion would basically require a whole new team of staff members that would have to take care of thousands of applications a day.
  6. I don't see this being so useful, to be honest. We have the report system for a reason, as previously said. Consider becoming an admin to help out the community
  7. It would be a great idea, however, how would the system work? What if the player you are trying to teleport to is in a collision zone? It might get abused. I also believe developers wouldn't bother making a script about this, to be honest. It looks kinda complicated.
  8. There we go. Thanks a lot <3
  9. Nope. You can always pick not to go for Duisburg. The city itself is not pretty or interesting, no reason to go there
  10. Very innovative. Thank you for sharing this with us, good work (Y)
  11. I'm sure if new players are interested in game and are not some trolls, that they'll head on forums and check our guides section. It's there for a reason and + they can learn even more about TruckersMP, right, eh.
  12. Converse

    Louder sirens

    Although you want it locked, I have to say I don't see anything bad in increasing police siren a little bit. It can just bring more than it can take.
  13. Entered. Thank you for giving us a chance to win something
  14. lol u crazy, good job on those "happy bday" statuses

    1. Lewis2212


      Thanks :D - Crazy is good! :P

  15. I had to quote this. +1 for the second sentence.
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