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Suggestion Name: Buses?

Suggestion Description: Coaches/buses

Any example images

Why should it be added?: i think it should be added because we have every vehicle now but we don't have buses/coaches. If we have buses/coaches it will make it more realistic.


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Discord: .Dylan#0001

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I guess if you can add cars, you can add buses. Not sure though. You see, with cars, they don't have any destinations so they can just be added on its own. With buses, they transport people so a whole new job menu will have to be made along with bus stops to pick them up and drop them off. It's a cool idea but I don't think the devs want to add much more than cars and it is much more hard work to add. I'm sorry but I don't support this.

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This Idea would have to be suggested to SCS as It would take the staff of MP a long time to even get buses into the game. SCS is currently working on a Coach Simulator to integrate into the game where you would have the option to switch systems from ingame check out this link http://www.racedepartment.com/threads/scs-reveals-coach-simulator-teases-american-truck-sim.105626/



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With the amount of time spent on the Skoda, I highly doubt a bus would be developed. Plus there isn't any features in the game to fully implement a working bus network. Current bus mods would require permission by the authors to implement, and seeing as everyone needs to download the mod to prevent crashes, a lot of users may get thrown off due to the file size needed to download the mod. It will also add more time to update the mod if the bus needs to be updated.


There is however a coach project being made by SCS, which would come with a fully functioning bus system, rendering the development of a bus network system pointless in time.

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-1 these games are truck simulators, not vehicle simulators where you can drive every vehicle under the sun. Also, seeing as it took a year+ for the Scout to be finish, to get things like Buses would take much longer, even if they use the AI bus from ETS2, Especially if youre switching from LHD or RHD, like the Scout. So until these things can be addressed or if SCS does finally add the Coach Sim or finally do the thing we all would like which is to take over the OMSI games and make them what they should be, we will not see buses at all.

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