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Reported people



Hello, 2-3 days ago, I reported a person who was driving recklessly in the game. I received a response from the official on the same day, but currently I cannot receive any response from the authorities regarding my reports. How often are reports checked? Is there a specific day? When will my reports be checked by the authorities?

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Hello @_FyRo,


First of all, welcome to TruckersMP forum.


Sometimes the report queue can grow quite large, which may delay the response time. But don't worry because every report will eventually be addressed; no report goes unchecked.

Due to the high number of reports in the system, the load on the system is quite high, resulting in shorter response times. Due to the intensity of the web report system, it may take 7-12 days for your reports to be reviewed.


I hope it helps.


Kind Regards,


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Hey there! 


Thank you very much for taking the time to file reports on our website. 


As for your question, we cannot define a specific day or period in time that is needed for Game and Report Moderators to process your reports. This highly depends on various factors, such as the income rate of new reports and the available time TruckersMP's moderators have. There are certainly times in which reports pile up for a while. I can guarantee you that the moderators work hard to take care of the reports in a timely manner but I guess you understand that this is not always possible. 


I suggest you wait patiently for a few more days or up to two weeks for your reports to be dealt with. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do except for this. If you feel like the processing time of your reports takes too long, you can create a feedback ticket but these usually take longer than reports to be dealt with, so that won't speed up the process either. 


I hope this answers your question. If you need more information, just let me know. Have a great evening! 


Kind regards,


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Hello, I wish you a good evening. I hope you had a nice day.


  • First of all, you say that you received a response on the same day. It is possible that the person you reported was banned and therefore your report was sent to the admin who issued the penalty, which is why the response received option may appear.


  • There is no specific check date for the reports, but you can predict whether they will be checked late or early from the system density field above. But you can be sure of this: Your reports will be checked early or late.



I hope what I wrote helped and your problem was solved. If you need help you can contact me!


Good evening,
Kind regards,

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The web report system is currently under HEAVY load which is the worst category. This means that your reports are dealt with later than average. There is no possible estimate which can be provided, as it all depends on our volunteer team. You need to be patient, and I can ensure you that your reports will be dealt in due course.


Let us know if this helped,


Kind Regards,


TruckersMP Game Moderator

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The load on the report system at the time of writing is listed as heavy, this obvously means that there is a huge amount of reports being sent in and obviously will need looking at, which takes time (obviously) So it could be a few days to even a few weeks before your report has been claimed.  It can be frustrating for those doing the reporting but the report will be looked at at some point.  All I can say is patience is key.

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Hello! This is determined according to the load of the official website. I can give you an approximate number of days to accept.

1. When you see that the display in the upper right corner of the reporting system of the official website is normal, the report will be accepted and processed within 3 days.

2. When you see that the display in the upper right corner of the reporting system of the official website is high or busy, the report will be accepted and processed within 7 days.

3. When you see that the display in the upper right corner of the reporting system of the official website is very high or even higher, the report will be accepted and processed in about 7 to 14 days.

Recently, the game review team has recruited a group of report moderators who specialize in handling reports on the official website, and they will specialize in handling reports on the official website. Let me explain that since the report moderators, full-time administrators, and higher-level departments have their own affairs in reality, they cannot handle reports online every day, so you can only wait patiently for them to accept them.

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Hello there!


Since you solved your issue, I will go ahead and move this topic to solved topics.


If you have anymore issue in the future, feel free to contact us again.


Kind regards,


TruckersMP Support


//Locked and Moved to Solved

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