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World Of Trucks


  1. Merhaba, bilindiği üzere şuan düzenlenen #OneTruckFamily etkinliğinde 10 adet farklı şehirden aldığımız dorseleri, etkinlik takviminde belirtilen şehirlere teslimatını gerçekleştiriyoruz. 10 adet yükü teslim ettikten sonra, ekstra 5 adet daha yük götürdüğümüz takdirde farklı ödüller almaktayız, ben 10 adet görevi tamamladım fakat o 5 ekstra görevi tam anlayamadım? bilgisi olan arkadaşlar detaylı şekilde bilgilendirme yaparsa konu altına sevinirim, herkese iyi forumlar!
  2. Is it a reason to change the sound of the vehicles in the game, for example, to put a volvo sound on an iveco? I think that changing the sound of such vehicles is not the reason for the ban, because I think the sound you hear from inside your vehicle is going to sound outside the vehicle.
  3. I've been flipped over, and I don't know how to get back up without paying the service fee! I tried /fix but that just heals damage. any help?
  4. Tırım ban sebebimi acaba ? Cevaplarmısınız.
  5. Bonjour tout le monde J'ai un Soucis Avec ma Cibi J'ai beau allumer / éteindre et changer de périphérique Dans le tabs / Windows pas de son Qui sort de la boite noire Mais se si dit les autres m'entends Help me merci Cordialement
  6. The true title was meant to be 'Why SCS and TruckersMP should have been banned from making games'. Let's get straight into it. Server issues no one actually care about. The difference between position shown on player's screen vs server's reality is many times TOO BIG (even tho both players have decent connection) Kicking or how to bully your own community. This is the reason why everyone in team of TMP should be fired. Who came up with the idea to force players to turn on their lights in strict hours although the sun's up. It look silly! Imagine that you play with wireless keyboard and mouse, you log in, realize that your keyboard ran out of juice the second you hit the road and boom, kicked! This is just stupid bullying over rules you * made up! Get your minds straight. I understand it's really important for players not to drive as ghosts but this is stupid. Limits or everyone likes cars but SCS and TMP don't care about it. Let me show you the bitter truth! You had EU1 with realism. You made EU2 with cars and unlimited speed. You realized people like it more then your * 'realism' You added speed limit to EU2 because you *can't stand that people like something else then trucking 90km/h You give us arguments that there are less accidents, of course because all the normal players QUIT WHY haven't you made EUx server just to see if people would rather drive with speed limits? BECAUSE YOU KNEW THE ANSWER If you are so sure about the accidents rate, show us charts! Come on, do it. Show me the accident rate BEFORE and AFTER speed limitation. You have none? Oh my bad, wait NO. You made your heads on something based on your subjective feelings and force it upon your community as facts and reasons you make your decisions. That's what I call hypocrisy! If your report system worked, you would have all the data I'm asking you to show, but it doesn't work so you are left behind with 2 things: Unlimited power over your own product Wrath and anger over people who enjoy driving cars (200km/h on highways, overtaking, and all the other entertaining thigs) I usually drive on CD road 200kmh with overtaking and no accidents. I can even add a video for you to prove it. It's not about speed, it's about community. Your childish attitude mirrors in your players. You force your community to play by your rules just like a little kid that wants all his little friends to play with trucks, even tho they want to play with cars. You are a shame. SCS I'd explain myself very briefly. I added a whole A4 page to their forum about what should be changed, what should be added. I'm not going to post the link here unless someone asks for it, but the answer to my ideas and suggestions (which would have been a real enrichment for both community and wallet of SCS) was unexpected and came from one of their testers: 'The game is fine as it is, I don't think anything should be added' Tell me what kind of company doesn't give a * about it's customers and only thing in it's eyes is profit and milking the same old game over and over again by creating paid DLC maps which aren't that hard to make. I doubt they pay more then 7k for one DLC to make and milk their fans in one of the worst ways. I am very angry with you, you ruined my all time favorite game just because YOU want to play it by your own way. Shame on you
  7. HI, Im pretty curious to know how did he manage to fit those lights on the roof without a bar?, also carefully look at some other modifications such as lightning at the bottom. Please tell me
  8. Hello. I found this day a bug. You can do a caravan freight by a truck. I don't know why but it is possible. https://gyazo.com/0a66b9dab135c15d502b6d2b306e719d
  9. I would like to know why the suspension to air is prohibited in the TMP being that it does not disturb any player, just another player that will see the truck with the tires under the asphalt.
  10. Über die Spedition Multigaming Logistik Was gibt es über uns: so zu sagen ,wir sind eine Eingeschworene Gemeinde die am Spiel ETS 2 spaß haben und unser Wissen ,Tricks und Tipps mit anderen teilen und hilfestellung geben . Die Gruppe wurde am 18 September 2016 Gegründet als Geschlossene Gruppe was wir bis dato Beibehalten haben . Unsere Gemeinde unterscheidet sich dahin gehend das wir eine Support Gruppe haben wo es Hilfe gibt und eine Map die wir dort unter Anfrage zur Verfügung stellen . Desweiteren gibt es für Anfänger die das Game erst neu Nutzen Hilfestelung in fast allen Punkten was ETS 2 betrifft . Haben sehr strenge Gruppenregeln an die sich aber ´fast jeder hält . Unsere Gemeinde ist sehr Hilfsbereit auch unter den Mitgliedern wird Hilfe sehr groß geschrieben jeder hilft wo er kann und weiß . Mods in der Gruppe werden Getestet und dann den Mitgliedern zur Verfügung gestellt damit sie sich ihren Wunsch LKW bauen können oder zumindest verbessern . Wir haben auch einen eigenen Teamspeak: Wir erwarten von euch: - Einen Teamspeak 3 Zugang - Eure Fuhren immer aufzeichnen und im Fahrtenbuch eintragen. - Freude am fahren Was wir euch bieten: - Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten - Einen eigenen Teamspeak: Multigaming-ets2.eu - eine hohe Provision für die Vollendeten Lieferungen EINFACH EINE BEWERBUNG HIER HIN SCHICKEN AUF DER WEBSITE https://trucking-vs.de/job/2667 **********************************
  11. Du verbringst die meiste Zeit im LKW und suchst nur noch nach einer passenden Spedition? --- Herzlich willkommen bei der Floropa Logistik GmbH --- Wir suchen ab sofort neue Fahrer/innen für jegliche Güter. Bei uns steht der Spielspaß im Vordergrund. Es gibt daher keinen Zwang. Wir wünschen uns jedoch, dich auf der Ein oder anderen Fahrt begrüßen zu dürfen. Wir verfügen über einen eigenen TS3-Server und sind immer on the road. Wenn du ebenfalls "auf der Straße lebst", aber nicht allein sein möchtest, bist du bei uns genau richtig! Bewirb dich am besten gleich! Was wir dir bieten: deutschsprachige, aktive Spedition eigenen TeamSpeak-Server zur Kommunikation freie Auftragswahl, da alle DLCs im Besitz Was erwarten wir von dir: eigener LKW Mindestalter: 16 lockere und annehmliche Umgangsform unter Kollegen grundlegende Kenntnisse der STVO / vernünftige Fahrweise Kontakt: Webseite: www.floropa.de e-Mail: [email protected] Steam: Floropa Logistik GmbH Facebook: www.fb.me/FloropaLogistikGmbH Twitter: @FloropaLogistik Teamspeak: ts3.sboc-multigaming.de Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung! Viele Grüße aus Berlin
  12. Nody

    Garage Bug

    Game: Euro Truck Simulator 2 Mod Version: Version Controllers Used: Keyboard and Mouse Description of Issue: Greetings, Whenever I buy a new garage and after all those in-game scenes are done, my trucks get stuck. I can use honking, can steer it left and right and other features of the truck but cannot move it front or back. I as well tried to quick travel to the nearby service centre to check out whether the truck moves or not, but it never moves until I restart the game. I am not sure how many are facing this issue but are there any fixture for this? P.S happens only In MP. How to reproduce: N/A. Screenshots / Videos: None.
  13. https://streamable.com/c4u87 http://prntscr.com/jja11g i don't know what the situation is
  14. Hello, do leds that are on the top of the truck break the rules of the game? TMP? https://zapodaj.net/f9d328e2aa360.png.html
  15. Hello, everyone, I would like to ask how this headlight turned on. link : https://www.google.com.tw/search?q=freeway&tbm=isch&tbs=simg:CAQSlgEJMV92VmvqMnMaigELEKjU2AQaBAgVCAAMCxCwjKcIGmEKXwgDEie_1DLsMvAzDDO8XlwS9DI8L7hdr1jLWPM45tyHCK8Er6ybrPLQzpCYaMFI-mD74fGYdjdqL68Oc0YabgKAe9lajMPlaLLjUF4i0PpL6iXnz8CNnPyHFqWemQiAEDAsQjq7-CBoKCggIARIEL-b6Kgw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjglNH3l7naAhWDyrwKHcI-CRAQwg4oAHoECAAQJQ&biw=1096&bih=649#imgrc=uiKAc4Rg8btOiM:
  16. hello all admin, i want to start a topic that we can ask here for our mod by screenshot. so we take screenshot and upload her to ask that the mod is allowed or not. i hope this topic allowed by admin, and every Questions by screenshot will be answer by admin too, to make sure that our mod is allowed or not to use at truckersmp. i'll start with my trailer mod sorry for bad english ;D thank's. i want to ask, is this mod allowed for MP? i want to use for convoy
  17. Witam, mam problem z grą w świecie multiplayer, mianowicie chodzi o to że razem z bratem mamy jednego steam'a do ATS'A lecz dwa oddzielne konta na TruckersMP, mu działa a u mnie wyskakuje invalid email or password. Dodam że jego konto było połączone pierwsze z World of truck Jest ktoś w stanie mi pomóc ?
  18. I have been playing the game (American Truck Sim) for a while now, and i really enjoy playing it online. I customized my truck with i think some mods , but i know for a fact that all my mods are from the official game only and i haven't downloaded any other ones. I went to the service center and i have customized my truck and while leaving the service center i got a message saying "Kicked for Invalid Accessory Set Detected" . I have all the DLC's enabled and am not sure which one to disable plus i have tried disabling some but when i logged in it asked me to load and am not sure what to do. Please HELP!
  19. Ma remorque a spawn derrière un grillage et a basculé sur le coté elle est détruite a 100%
  20. In all trucks ATS/ETS2 for me the dashboard screen with all your info keeps cutting in and out and ive done everything reinstall the game most of everything and nothing seems to work Please Help! Video of issue-
  21. Ik heb een keer gehoord en gezien in de herfst is geraakt en hij was gekruist omdat 1 van pech strip, dus hij moest uitwijken en moest toen remmen om volgende rit naar rammen en schuin rijden achter om meer 155 per uur te rijden en dat was ook stil omdat de persoon die ken ken moest stoppen omdat hij door die eerste truc met hem pestte en ik ben er zeker van dat ze samen hebben gewerkt om die persoon bij elkaar te brengen iemand blokkeert axpres en wie moet die persoon blokkeren die ik ken maar andere niet en zijn twee verkeerd gegaan om snelle en slechte woorden te rijden, en 1 op een road ride zonder pinkers. als we ondertekenden, zeggen een aantal spelers ook dat ze niets zullen doen !!!! soms gebeurde het al eens dat er geen tijd was om je garage in te rijden en te rijden, en de vrachtwagen volledig kapot gemaakt door meer vrachtwagens en auto's. als je je aanmeldt maar iemand die het opzettelijk met twee doet, dan blokkeren we ons en beperken we het creëren van snelheid? en eerste foto's bekijken en blokkeren. Ik ben er helemaal voor na na het zoeken naar iets om live te gaan of via video om te bewijzen dan dat de foto's ze laten gaan, omdat, zie de hulp geen kanten. aube iets doen. omdat er velen zijn die ook zeggen dat ze het zijn en dat leden van dat spel het erover eens zijn dat ze niet willen springen of kunnen en ja, hoe meer klachten die persoon heeft, dan weet je zeker dat dat doel is. groetjes tinkermaggie omdat er velen zijn die ook zeggen dat ze het zijn en dat leden van dat spel het erover eens zijn dat ze niet willen springen of kunnen en ja, hoe meer klachten die persoon heeft, dan weet je zeker dat dat doel is. groetjes tinkermaggie omdat er velen zijn die ook zeggen dat ze het zijn en dat leden van dat spel het erover eens zijn dat ze niet willen springen of kunnen en ja, hoe meer klachten die persoon heeft, dan weet je zeker dat dat doel is. groetjes tinkermaggie
  22. Less distances for transport I created a new profile and Hack Money, Level and Up Skills but Less distances for transport. What should I do? Or I should not be hacked.
  23. Hello folks, Recently I got some problems with my ATS. If I leave the main menu in Singleplayer, the screen gets and stays black as long as I kill it with Task Manager. I tried a new profile and there I got the same problems. Here's what I already did: checked integrity of game files - told me everything's fine → failed reinstalled the game and new profile - failed ran it /w admin permissions - failed ran it /w OpenGL and DirectX - failed The multiplayer doesn't even start. After clicking on "Launch ATS" it's crashing instantly. Nothing I can / could do there. So I got some nice reading material to those who are interested into my problem: last_crash file game.log config config_profile I hope some of you may know what I could do to solve my problem Cat tax
  24. Hello. I was wondering if there's a way to have a modded paintjob on the servers. Me and my friends are building a VTC and we made a paintjob for our trucks as a mod. I see that some mods can be used in multiplayer so is there a way to have our custom paintjob in multiplayer ?
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